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Preview > HTML5 in Browser

New Here ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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One of my co-workers is experiencing an intermittent problem in Captivate 2019. It is not file specific as we have seen the following results occur in multiple files including ones that behaved correclty previously.

When using the Preview option of HTML5 in Browser the file is being processed but when it attempt to open in the browser (defaulting to Edge) it is producing an error message that the location of the file cannot be found. I noticed the the address line is beginning with the html5temp poriton of the address and not  http://localhost:[port]/preview/ that precedes html5temp. So I am assuming that Captivate is failing to communicate the full address to the web browser.


Has anyone experienced this? We have changed the general and publish settings to ensure she is working on her local machine only and not over a network. And this problem was not occurring previously.


I have her publishing without zipping so she can still review the files, but even that requires her to launch it from outside of Captivate as viewing the files once published is producing the same error the the preview option did.









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Community Expert ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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It would be good to see the exact version number you are using, as mentioned under Help, About Captivate. There have been two main releases and many patches under the common label 'CP2019'.

I would start by clearing the cache (Preferences, General settings) and cleaning the Preferences (utils subfolder has two files, run the one for your OS while CP is closed).

Do you have the same problem with another browser than Edge?

Did you use Adobe fonts? If yes, did you add localhost to the domains?






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