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I am working with Captivate 2019. I upload the published zips onto a LMS. When I try to upload the scorm I get the message: "package manifest contains invalid XML." If I open the zip file, it does have a imsmanifest.xml, so that's not the issue. I have quiz reporting enabled, so that's not the issue. I have done this plenty of times before with other files with no issue. I cannot figure out what's wrong with the manifest in this file. I've tried publishing solely HTML and HTML and SWF. Any help?
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CP2019 is the common name for 3 main releases (11.0, 11.5 and 11.8) ad multiple patch releases. Please tell which version you are using exactly. The full version number can be found under Help, About Captivate.
Publishing to SWF has no sense anymore since multiple years because the Flash player has been banned everywhere.
You first need to find out if the problem is due to CP or to the LMS. Did you test on SCORM Cloud to figure that out?
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It is Captivate
After lots of trial and error, I isolated the problem to 3 slides, in particular web objects on those slides. I created new web objects and fixed it, however, I don't know why it was an issue in the first place because I had similar web objects throughout the captivate file that were made and imported the exact same way that didn't cause issues.
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You are on Mac? If my memory is correct that version was needed for a Mac OS update, I never had to install it because I am on Windows.
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Yes, I am on Mac (monterey 12.7.5- it needs an update too). I am waiting on my department to buy the new Captivate version for me. They've approved it, but I have to wait until the new fiscal year. Hopefully it won't have all the kinks I have witth the 2019 version.
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If you think Captivate 12 will have fewer "kinks" than Cp 2019 you are in for a real surprise...
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Completely agree with Rod, want to warn you about version 12. It is completely incompatible with your present version, you cannot update your existing projects to version 12. Moreover it is still rather limited in features, and you can only create responsive projects. If you ever used Fluid boxes in CP2019, you know that this means a lot of limitations. I remember a saying from another user: you need to UNLEARN everything you know about Captivate when starting with version 12. Everything changed: UI, terminology, workflows... For that reason you are still entitled to keep Captivate Classic (version 11.8.3 at this moment) for all the situations where you cannot use version 12. Make sure that the IT people install both version 12 and Captivate Classic. I have been blogging about Captivate since 2008, but each project which I try to create with version 12 takes me 10 times as long as in previous versions. It has been released one year ago.
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Was this ZIP file created directly by Captivate when you published with the ZIP option checked? Or, did you select the published folder and compress it yourself? There can be a big difference in the result.
When Captivate zips the published output the imsmanifest.xml file is at the root level of the zip archive. If you just select the folder containing the published output and compress it, the manifest file ends up being one level lower in the hierarchy and the LMS cannot find because it expects the manifest to be right at the top level.
So, if it was you and not Captivate that created the zip, just let Captivate do it.
If you have a reason for NOT letting Captivate automatically create the zip file (e.g. you had to include some extra files in the output) the trick is NOT to select the outer folder but to go INSIDE the publish folder, select everything, and then zip the contents. That way the manifest will be at the right level for the LMS to find it.
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I let Captivate create the zip. After trial and error, I found the issue was something with particular web objects I had on a few slides. Though similar web objects on other slides did not create an issue.