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Hi! I am creating a Video Quiz where the learner has already viewed the video in an earlier lesson and now will be asked questions regarding the video.
The video is on slide 4. At 9 seconds on the timeline, I pause the video and the learner clicks a button to answer question 1. After submitting their answer, the learner is directed back to slide 4.
I've set up an advanced action to "resume" the video after question 1 is answer. However, the video starts at the beginning. My process is to have the learner continue to watch the video at 16 seconds until the next button appears where s/he can answer a second question.
How can I make that work? I'm using Multi-slide Synchronized Video. Should I use Event Video instead?
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Event video isn't going to do it for you either.
Unless one of the JavaScript gurus here knows how to open a video file and jump to a given frame, I would say your best bet is to break your video into different files.
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Thanks for your response. I thought that I would have to break the video into different files.
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I think it is worthwhile to try to use the cpCmdGoToFrame variable in Captivate. Remember that Captivate defaults to 30 fps. Therefore one default slide duration in Captivate of three seconds = 90 frames. If the video is multislide synchronized then you can determine the frame position in the video based on the frame count in the slide. You will have to add all frames from the beginning of the project to determine which frame to assign the button since Captivate calculates the frame count from the beginning of the project. You then create a button to assign a value to the cpCmdGoToFrame variable for the frame number where you want to return to the video (I believe you said at 16 seconds so 30 x 16 seconds in the video slide + all frames from the beginning of the project for slides 1 - 3). The user may have to click the play button in the skin to continue the video because the video is being controlled by the time line. This would be similar to how we use to do in Flash by putting a marker at a frame position in the flash video, except we are using the Captivate timeline to create the marker by assigning the the cpCmdGoToFrame with a value. I have used this technique to assign cpCmdGoToFrame to jump to specific slide (frame) locations in various projects.
If you use event video the video is being controlled by the video object timeline not Captivate's timeline and this technique and would not work.
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Using the cpCmndGoToFrame is certainly worth a try, but I would hasten to say that this tends to work a lot better in Flash SWF than it does in HTML5 where all resources on a slide seem to get reloaded each time rather than being cached anywhere on the mobile device.
Try it and see what your mileage is.
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DB, thank you for your suggestion. My video is 55 seconds long and I want to put out 3-4 questions from it.
What I'm not clear on is "multi-slide-synchronization" vs, event. I read both descriptions. With a video being 55 seconds, what would you call it?
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Event video plays totally independent from Captivate controls, hence the individual controk panel. It will not be puased by any pausing in Captivate.
Syncrhonized video is controlled by Captivate. That is why you can pause it, and perhaps use micronavigation.
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The length of the video has nothing to do with whether it is multi-slide synchronized or event video.
It really comes down to a confusion in the use of terminology. A video that plays "in the slide" and is controlled by the slide timeline is the multi-slide synchronized video. A video that "plays on top" of the slide and is controlled by its own time line is the event video.
If you use the multi-slide synchronized video it means that you can use standard buttons on the slide to pause and play the video since the button interacts with the slide timeline. And because the video is playing consistent to the timing in the slide timeline you can use the cpCmdGoToFrame to move the play head along the slide timeline to take you a location in the video.
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Thank you, DB.
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The multi-slide video may work just fine for you...just don't split it across multiple slides (though you could). have it all on one slide timeline then stop the video with interactions as you need.
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Thank you Erik for sharing this with me.
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I would also propose to use micronavigation, which I used with success in CP9 (see: Replay (slide) Button - Captivate blog ) even for HTML5 output. However in CP2017 there are some issues with the execution of the On Enter slide event when using micronavigation, which I reported months ago. It will need some testing but skipping frames is certainly possible as I also demonstrated in this movie (HTML5 output):