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I have a problem with the Rollover Image function. In captivate, the resolution of the picture ist good. But when i export the file or use the preview function, the quality of the rollover image ist really bad.
Here in Captivate (2017)
Here in the preview
How can i rech a better resolution? Or know somebody a alternative funktion for rollover images? Now i export and preview with Shockwave. But maybe there is a besser solution that is also compatible with HTML5 for the future?
Thank you.
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Did you create the rollover image in exactly the size (in pixels) which you use in Captivate? Which format did you use: JPEG or PNG24?
Of course, rollovers are not available on mobile devices, though they may be functional on desktop/laptop in HTML output. Alternative is to use a click/tap to open the bigger image. You can use a toggle button, in the way I described here:
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The rollover image is a little bit larger than i use for the project in captivate (600x622px). Its a PNG File with 24bit.
Thank you for the link to your blog. But i think i need more experience. I dont know how can i insert this toggle button.
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I mostly use a shape button. Use the Big Button Bar, either Interactions, Button or a shape which you convert to a button by using the option 'Use as a button' in its properties panel.
If you don't use the exact size, maybe you did resize without keeping the width/heigh ratio: when resizing with the mouse always keep SHIFT pressed while dragging a corner point of the bounding box.
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Ok, i uderstand. I insert a shape button and use it as a button and i can make it transparent. I can link it to some cation like jump to another page. And i can also give a rollover action like chance the colour or something else. But how can i use it with an rollover picture?
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I wrote that this is an alternative for rollovers, using a click/tap and a toggle button. On first click/tap the image is shown, on the second it is hidden and this process can be repeated as many times as you want. It is illustrated in the blog post, a toggle button using the user variable v_visib.
Each button can have 4 InBuilt states: besides Normal, you have Rollover, Down and Visited.
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Thank you. I want to try this. I think this is a good solution and it can be used on mobile devices.