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Save Timeline Position Upon Exiting Course - Adobe Captivate v12.3.0.12

New Here ,
Sep 06, 2024 Sep 06, 2024

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Hi Everyone,


I am tasked to create either a button or an exit slide feature that saves my position in the timeline so that when i exit the course I can come back and pick up where I started. To be clear, I have already implemented this step so the user can pause/play while they are viewing the material (https://youtu.be/drk8vK5yFKE?si=IRhjasG3wnrcLwyv). My concern now is precisely upon exiting, is there a way to create a save state either through the variables within captivate or using javascript or utilizing both, and how what does this look like? 


Thanks so much! I've been at this for a couple weeks and cannot find the answer to my prayers.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2024 Sep 07, 2024

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If your course is being delivered from a SCORM-compliant LMS, then you should be able to turn on Resume Data Bookmarking Captivate's settings so that if a learner leaves the course partway through without having finished, they can resume at the slide where they left off.  However, this only returns the learner to the beginning of the same slide where they terminated their session.  It does not take them back to the exact point in the timeline on that slide.  For most situations this solution is sufficient. 


Does that sound like what you needed?





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New Here ,
Sep 09, 2024 Sep 09, 2024

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Unfortunately, I need the ability to return to the exact point in the timeline that they left off. I was tyring to accomplish this by making a variable and then have bookmarks on the timeline add a plus one to the varable. However, I can't figure out how to get it to save the variable count upon exit, and jump to that bookmark upon entry using the interactions.


This is what Paul said when i commented on his video.


"In Adobe Captivate Classic, there used to be a system variable that stored the current frame. The system variable was called cpInfoCurrentFrame. You could create an exit button that would first store the value of that frame in a user variable. Upon relaunching the course, you can recall the contents of that user variable and then jump to that frame (accurate to 1/10 of a second). Unfortunately, Adobe deprecated that system variable, so you can no longer store that information using interactions."

But I figure, there has got to be a way! Maybe in the new 12.4 update, I hope.





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