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Seeking your feedback on an idea I made that will make Captivate variables accessible.

Contributor ,
Sep 30, 2022 Sep 30, 2022

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Hello Captivate folks!

Say, I noticed there has not been much said about automatically getting Captivate variables to be read nicely by readers...so I did some exploring during the ole pandemic....and wanted to share a very simple test project with you all...... 


Use the link below to test your accessibility readers to see if they will read you back actual variable values instead of the usual reading of...$$varname$$...etc. 


NOTE: this is a very basic demo to see how my basic idea works......if it seems to be working and you are interested....I'd be happy to share my algorithm I came up with........I did not put tons of time in making the demo look nice and etc. and I'm crazy busy......it’s just to the point for example and testing purposes.  

ALL Items in highlighted in YELLOW are all objects that contain one or more Captivate variables..... 


Very basic demo URL: https://bit.ly/3jCl0fw


The algorithm idea I came up with also tracks all variables used so that it can update them with new data.

Just seeking feedback on if it works or not....if the idea seems to be working correctly!


Thanks in advance for your time and feedback - the demo is extremely simple and to the point!!


Hope to meet you all while I'm at the Adobe Summit 2022  in Vegas next week!!!!






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New Here ,
Sep 30, 2022 Sep 30, 2022

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This works great! I've been digging through old forums and the corners of the internet looking for some insight into this problem and I think you've nailed it. I tested your demo and it seems like it does exactly what it's supposed to. Would you be in a position to share how this works and if this is something we (the community at large) can incorporate into our projects? Have a great day!





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