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September 2010 Canvas LMS Users - Please check to see if you are having the same issues

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Sep 14, 2020 Sep 14, 2020

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If you are using the Canvas LMS, could you test to see if you can run a freshly uploaded Captivate HTML published file? I am trying to see if it is just me or if something has changed in Canvas in the last two weeks. It has been that period of time that once I upload into the file section I am not getting any Captivate file to play (just spinning wheel). Everyhting was fine prior to two weeks ago. All my previously uploaded files still play fine. It is just new files uploads that are impacted. I can upload HTML files that I have handcoded (some study notes) and those run fine. It is just Captivate files (non-360) going tot he files section I am struggling with.

P.S. Canvas is like death from a thousand papercuts. This is my first and last contract to use this LMS. Its behavior is so inconsistent. 







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