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Setting completion and success criteria in SCORM 2004

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Apr 05, 2016 Apr 05, 2016

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I understand in SCORM 2004 that being able to specify completion and success criteria separately means that I can set a course so that it can be marked as completed unsuccessfully if a user has taken it but had 'deferred success' (i.e. failed ) based on slide views and/or the quiz status. It helps the instructor to distinguish completion from comprehension/superficial from deep engagement (assuming the quiz is suitably searching).

I assume therefore that if I am creating a course that does not have a quiz but I want to report if it has been completed or not I only need to set the completion criteria in CP9. Is that correct, or should I set the completion and success criteria to be the same (i.e. x% slide views)? It might not make much difference but I would like to know what is best practice.





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Community Expert , Apr 05, 2016 Apr 05, 2016

You still need to set both criteria.  So use slide views would make sense.


Community Expert ,
Apr 05, 2016 Apr 05, 2016

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You still need to set both criteria.  So use slide views would make sense.




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Contributor ,
Apr 06, 2016 Apr 06, 2016

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Thanks Rod. That is what I do but I did wonder if it was necessary to set success since this is optional in the settings.




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Community Expert ,
Apr 06, 2016 Apr 06, 2016

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The acid test is to upload to whatever LMS you are intending to use and see what happens.  They're all different.




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New Here ,
Mar 06, 2023 Mar 06, 2023

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I know this was a conversation that took place back in 2016, but I do have a question about this very topic.  We have certain HR videos that we've uploaded to our LMS  (which is LMS365)  and we use Adobe Captivate to create/publish these videos.  The raw video file is an MP4, so what we do in Captivate is create several blank slides that are about 1 minute in duration.  If the MP4 video file is 15 minutes long, for example, we would create 15 blank slides in Captivate.  Then we import the video and tell Captivate to split the video into the blank slides that we've created - so that if a user has to stop watching the video for some reason, they can always resume watching it later and continue at approximately the same point where they left off.  This method works for us.  However, we are now finding that if a user stops and starts the video too many times  (about 4, we think...)  the user receives a nasty message telling them that "Unfortunately, you have not passed."  and they cannot continue the video.  They have to click RETRY and start the video from scratch.


This, to me, seems like a quiz failure... but there is no quiz within the video itself.


I have attached the "nasty" message referred to above, as well as a screenshot of our Captivate SCORM settings.  Are we doing something wrong here?  All we need to report is that the user watched at least  75%  of the video.




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