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This error only appears when viewing one slide.
It's not a particularly complex slide, and is very similar to other slides in my project.
Here's the complete error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')
at a.Timeline.setupSlideItemDiv (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1048:11)
at a.Timeline.setupSlideDiv (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1061:445)
at a.Timeline.addFramesetsForSlideAtIndex (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1089:426)
at a.Timeline.loadSlideAtIndex (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1099:509)
at a.Timeline.updateFrame (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1109:82)
at cp.Movie._onEnterFrame (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1240:196)
at step (eval at e (CPXHRLoader.js:37), <anonymous>:1219:23)
I have killed and remade the slide with no success.
Same slide error
Take a copy of your project to experiment on, then start removing items from the slide one by one until you find the one that is causing this issue. If you can successfully remove all items but the issue persists, look at any variables and Advanced Actions or JavaScript code and remove those one by one (line by line if necessary) until the error disappears.
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Take a copy of your project to experiment on, then start removing items from the slide one by one until you find the one that is causing this issue. If you can successfully remove all items but the issue persists, look at any variables and Advanced Actions or JavaScript code and remove those one by one (line by line if necessary) until the error disappears.
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Hey Rod.
Good to see you're alive and kickin'!
Apologies, I should have posted a reply earlier, but I found a possible reason.
Altough I've used transparent PNGs before all over the place, it seems that the 4 I had on this slide may have contributed to the error.
Remove all the images on the slide : Test : Still broken
Duplicate the slide and kill the old slide : Test : Still broken
Duplicate the slide and kill the old slide : Remove all the images : Test : OK
Duplicate the slide and kill the old slide : Replace the images one by one : Test : OK
So if you get the 'what's different' .
Not much, and the logic of a replicated slide didn't fix either.
I did however reboot Captivate, clear project caches, reboot again.
But the results aren't consistent enough for me to post that as a fix.
A bit more like 'jiggle the cable' actually.
Are you watching the Adobe eLearning show?
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With the PNGs, check whether they are 32 bit PNGs or lower bit depth (e,g, 24 bit). It could be significant, depending on which app was used to create them. I only ever use Adobe apps for the image editing so I haven't had issues with PNGs but your mileage may differ.
I wasn't able to watch last night's program with the Adobe show but I may be able to watch the one tonight as long is it finishes before the hour when I turn into a pumpkin. I'd love to get a look at the next Captivate app they are developing.
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Rod, they're 32 bit standard PS exports.
Do you know which program they're gonna talk about the new app?
Like you, I've been using CP since the bad old Robodemo days, and I've always been severely underwhelmed at the way that it seems to be the poor relation.
I just want them to deliver on some of the stuff we were working on in the Beta nearly 10 years ago, like clean text rendering.
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If 32 bit PNGs are not working, try a lower bit depth. 24bit should work fine, offer millions of colours, and they are usually smaller file sizes.
According to the email I got from Adobe Day 2 of the program will start with a comedian (probably so that we will all be in a good mood) and then give us a "Sneak peek of latest innovations in Adobe products, including an exclusive first look of the upcoming version of Adobe Captivate"
I'm in deepest darkest Western Australia, so the timezone here probably means I am going to be watching at about 11.00 PM my time: