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use published HTML5 objects in Captivate project

New Here ,
Mar 25, 2021 Mar 25, 2021

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Due to the discontinuation of Adobe Flash Player, there are certain Media Objects in an ILIAS Learning module that are not accessible anymore. Those Objects (mostly clickable, interactive Pictures) were originally designed in Captivate, exported as SWF and then inserted into the ILIAS learning module.

I’ve tried to publish the Captivate project as HTML5 content, however, it is not possible to insert/embed HTML content into ILIAS. Therefore, I decided to create a whole new learning module in captivate but would like to insert the original Media Object/interactive images next to e.g. text.


This is roughly what it should look like:



I now have several different captivate files (one learning module file and the different interactive images files). What I’ve done so far is trying to export each “interactive image” file as HTML5 content and then inserting them on the corresponding pages of the learning module (via Media: HTML5 animation & Object: Web). This did not work.


I also made a short screencast to visualise the problem (sorry for the poor audio quality):



I'd be very happy if there is a way to integrate the already existing files into the new file. Thanks for helping!







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