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Video automatically goes to next slide when done playing

New Here ,
May 11, 2021 May 11, 2021

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I am woking on a captivate course with a main menu that goes to multiple slide videos with overlay questions. I have buttons on each page to navigate back to the menu. However, when my video is done playing it automatically goes on to the next video, instead of going back to the menu.  Anyone know what I am going wrong? I have tried changing the action on exit action on the card tot jump to card and then pointing it to the menu but this did not work. The last video in the series does go back to the menu when it is finished. I do not see any differences in setting between the first and last video. 






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Community Expert ,
May 11, 2021 May 11, 2021

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You have interactive videos, correct? Can you show a screenshot of the Timeline? Normally you don't put a button on an interactive video, I don't know what you mean by that sentence. The On Exit event is not to be trusted because it will be done after the last frame. 

I just tried a workflow which seems to work:

  • I created a dummy overlay slide, which has an advanced action On Enter 'Jump to menu'.
  • I inserted that overlay slide a little bit before the end of the video, and when testing it did jump to the menu slide. When you push it at the real end, it will not work.





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New Here ,
May 11, 2021 May 11, 2021

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Thank you for your response. It is a slide video that I added overlays to. I figured out hwo to make it work. I added a transparent button to the master slide and set it to pause until clicked. Note sure if it is the best way but it seems to be doing the trick.





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Community Expert ,
May 11, 2021 May 11, 2021

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The official Adobe name for 'a slide video that I added overlays to...' is Interactive video. That is why I used that term.


You did add a shape button to the dedicated master slid (a Transparent button is an old button type and cannot be used on master slides). That is indeed a better alternative to the not to be trusted On Exit action. It is my first Easy Timeline Tweak in this blog:



For the sake of other users, I want to mention some of the disadvantages of this workflow:

  • You better use a dedicated master slide so that only the slide video slides will go to the menu slide at the end.
  • Since objects on master slides have no ID, you cannot conttol them with commands like Hide/Show, Enable.Disable. 





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