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I'm trying to work out how to have both a custom state and a selected state. In the past, if I wanted a selected state I created a custom state and then used advanced actions that set that button to selected and the rest to normal. Doing it this way, any in-built visited sate gets overridden by the advanced action. The only way I can image doing it is with variables for each button and a bunch of conditional statesments one every button that check the variables of the other buttons to set them to visited or normal. That sounds really unweildy to me.
Any ideas? Thanks!
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Sorry, I meant to write "I'm trying to work out how to have both a visited state and a selected state. "
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Since you don't mention the exact version you are using I presume that you are not yet on the most recent version (12) since you mention advanced actions which are no longer available in that most recent version.
The Visited state is sort of a hybrid state, it is labeled as 'InBuilt' but can be addressed with an action which is not possible for the real InBuilt states, and it can never be part of the object style.
Of course you can have a Visited state and a Selected state. Full control will be easiest when you create them both as custom states. However since you don't give details about the way you handle this with advanced actions, cannot you help with that. Maybe this blog post can clarify more what I tried to explain: