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This problem is already tracked in a couple of other threads but I wanted to start a new one where I have already implemented most of the recommended fixes but am still having a problem. When attempting to publish various projects, and with no particular consistency, I'll receive this error:
Your computer does not have sufficient memory resources to publish your file.
I am running Windows 7 with a 2.66GHz processor and 4 GB of RAM on a 32-bit system
Please advise on any fixes, solutions, work-arounds, or animal sacrifices that will help me out.
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Rather than blame Captivate, this sounds to me like there's something in your project that might be causing instability.
I was having the same problem on one of my projects many months ago when I was working on the Cp5 beta program. It turned out to be due to having square braces [ ] in the Slide Notes area. (This was confirmed by Adobe techs after I sent them the project file.) Apparently there are some characters that should not be used in the Slide Notes area, especially if you use them in Closed Captioning. It was the fact that I had accidentally included a Notes line with square braces as a CC line that caused the error. So I removed all square braces, replaced them with pipe characters, and haven't seen the issue since.
Some other questions in case the above doesn't work for you:
Hope this helps,
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Hi Rod,
Can you share your project which produces this error when published ? Please upload the project to and email the download link to ashwin at adobe dot com
Ashwin Bharghav B
Adobe Captivate Team
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Sorry Ashwin, but that was like over 6 months ago. The project no longer exists on my hard-drive. I've also searched Outlook for the original emails about this error but cannot find them.
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Hello All,
Im still facing the same problem right now. Im using Captivate 4, I remember posting at other thread regarding this issue but no clear solution yet was ever mentioned.
I followed different suggestions from others, by creating a new blank project, check "characters" that might have caused the issue, copy the slides into a new project and so on but none of them seem to work.
Now Im wondering if this has something to do with size of my Cp project,with mine its around 170MB.
Really looking forward to possible good feedback on this particular issue.
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Hi Miguel,
Certainly for CP4, 170MB is IMO way to big, really. Is it not possible to split the project up in smaller projects and use daisy-chaining?
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As what I expected, you'll say the same as what I thought about the size.I have also recommended that the project be split into parts, but unfortunately it was overruled so last night I spent extra 6 hours with this, leaving me at least 4 hours sleep and at some point I was able to published it.I was surprised when I saw there was indeed a published output, and oh yeah the output seems working the way it should.
But due to trial and error approach I forgot the steps I did to produce the output.
I will try to negotiate to them again today regarding splitting the project.
Have you by any chance encountered the same problem with any of your projects?Or will I encounter the same problem when I use Cp5?
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I was very interested to read the part of your thread where you say using [ square brackets ] in notes/closed captions caused a problem in Cap 5.
Can you...or maybe someone from Adobe reading this message... list down all characters that should not be used in Notes or CC, for both Cap v5 and Cap v4.
I have people using both versions and they need to be made aware of this potential problem.
Many thanks,
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The square bracket character was the only one that I encountered a problem with. But it's possible that there are others. Remember I said that this happened when I was working as one of the BETA testers that Adobe invited into their Pre-release program for Cp5. So it's also possible that the issue was resolved before the product eventually shipped.
Either way, I DO remember seeing this error, and that was the reason. But it was only when the square bracket character ended up in a line that was selected as CC text. I have the practice of using quite large characters for CC text (Verdana 20 point) because I figure that people needing CC text to understand the dialog might also find it difficult to read fine print flashing past them on the bottom of the page. But I prefer to have only one CC line at a time appearing, so at 20 point text you need to know where the line of text will end. So I used to set up a dummy line with just hyphen characters enclosed by two square brackets at each end and place one of these lines on each slide in the Notes area as a visual guide to how many CC words I could fit on a line before I had to break to another line.
I'd never noticed this error until one day I accidentally ticked one of these guide lines to end up as CC text. Then all of a sudden I was getting this weird error message. I sent the project to Adobe and one of the programmers looked under the hood and told me what had caused it (in my case).
It may not be the cause of the issue for the original poster here, but I thought it worth mentioning.
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Hi Rod,
Thanks for taking time for a detailed reply.
All understood.
Thanks again,
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Thanks for your thoughtful and useful suggestions. I'll investigate further next week but let me answer some of your questions:
This is clearly the best way to troubleshoot this but my real challenge is the inconsistent behavior. If I can get a project to publish without error, say, ten times, then I would probably declare it to be clean.
I'll let you know what happens.
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I've been experiencing this for awhile. It initially only occurred with upgraded (from CP4) files but I have since created numerous from scratch files and the problem still occurs. I've tried unchecking the compression options as mentioned in this post:
This does not solve the problem. The error occurs sometimes right after opening the file, sometimes after working on it for an extended amount of time. It occurs when I try to preview the entire course or just a few slides. Also, though I've never seen anyone else mention this, if it occurs when I preview and I then try to publish, Captivate crashes completely. My event viewer has the following event logged when this occurs:
Faulting application adobecaptivate.exe, version, faulting module cpswfgenerator.dll, version, fault address 0x00080954.
This is an exremely frustrating issue since it doesn't happen every time. I have experienced it with multiple files so I don't think it has to do with any one file. Also, I have just recently did a clean install (last week) and am still experiencing the problem.
For reference, I'm using Windows XP sp3 (32bit), 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU, 3GB RAM.