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Text to Speech - Fonts

Explorer ,
Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Good afternoon community,


Text to speech

1. It's saying things like Europe Trademark etc. which I haven't wrote in the text to speech.

2. How can I delete a text to speech? If I remember well I could delete it by selecting it in timeline and then back space (Mac User).


In addition, I'm using the fonts Gill Sans (Light). When I'm on the Layout Preview/work platform of Captivate they look fine, but when I preview the actual work these fonts change to regular.

Any support will be greatly appreciated - thank you







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Community Expert ,
Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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TTS is normally used for slide audio. If you see an audio timeline under the slide timeline, that is indeed the case. Select the audio timeline and delete it. Sorry, but I am not a Mac user, don't ask me which key you need to delete something.

Is Gill Sans included in the category web fonts? Or is it an Adobe font? If not, it will indeed be converted to another font for dynamic text and in responsive projects. More information in:






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Explorer ,
Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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Thank you for your response, once again!

I'm increasingly dissapointed with Captivate to be honest and I feel very bad to say it. 

I took me a week's elearning course, the last month I have tried to read and absorb as much content (mostly from your blog) to understand it well but still - I'm getting so many issues without any reason. 

I have been trying for weeks to create even one Unit: Introduction, no interactions or what so ever but I'm getting unexpected issues without any reason. 

Text to speech doesn't play. Animations are entered without me entering them, fonts altered, videos from YouTube frozen etc etc...

I admire your passion and knowledge on Captivate but I do try and stay motivated but there are so many issues...





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Community Expert ,
Aug 18, 2020 Aug 18, 2020

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I have been teaching Photoshop for two decades, never encountered someone who tried it without any serious training.  Just an example because have been coaching trainings for many applications from all brands. Captivate is a wonderful application, with so many features that you cannot expect it to use it  'intuitively'.  Since almost 12 years I help users daily, have seen Captivate grow from an app mostly geared towards software simulations into a very big Swiss knife which can be used for all types of eLearning courses with success. 

I will never claim to know everything about Captivate, but am well aware of the most frequent problems encountered by starting users. Wished that books, manuals and training were addressing those problems instead of just demonstrating default step-by-step workflows. Daydreaming... You cannot digest all Captivate's features in a short time. Have focus on what you need at this moment, for the module you have to create, where you do know exactly (storyboard) what you want to realize.


Never have pushed myself as a trainer, I don't include any reference to my website, will point to my blog if I have a good detailed explanation for a workflow, not as an 'ad'. But I bet that if I could screen your first module, would detect which skills you need urgently to master. You may ignore this paragraph if you want. Maybe I'll get some more insults from other people... used to that, have what we call in Flanders an 'elephant skin'. My passion is not for Captivate but for learning. And one of the tools which can help improve learning efficiency is Captivate IMO. 





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