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Feature Focus: Body Tracker

Adobe Employee ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Live-perform character animation using your body. Powered by Adobe Sensei, Body Tracker automatically detects human body movement using a web cam and applies it to your character in real time to create animation. For example, you can track your arms, torso, and legs automatically.



Get started now with an example puppet

  1. Download the Hopscotch_Body Tracking puppet.
  2. Open Character Animator (Beta), choose File > Import, and then select the downloaded .puppet file.
  3. Click the Add to New Scene button at the bottom of the Project panel to create a scene for the puppet.
  4. In the Camera & Microphone panel, make sure the Camera Input button (camera_input.png) and Body Tracker Input button (body_tracker_input.png) are both turned on. If off (gray), click it to enable that input.
  5. Now try moving your body, waving your arms, and if you’re far enough from the camera to see your lower body, raising your feet. Body tracking is that simple!

Additional example puppets are available for you to try out.


Control body tracking

Puppets that respond to body tracking use the Body behavior. When a puppet track is selected in the Timeline panel, the Properties panel shows the Body behavior (among others) that is applied to the puppet. It is this behavior that allow you to customize how the Body Tracker works. For example:

  • Set When Tracking Stops to how you want the tracked parts of your puppet’s body to move when your body can’t be tracked for some reason, such as if your legs or arms move out of view from the camera. Hold in Place keeps the tracked handles where they last were before tracking was lost. The Return to Rest and Snap to Rest options, instead, will move the handles to the default state of the artwork, with the former option allowing you to control how fast it moves back with the Return Speed value, whereas the latter option moves back immediately.
  • Select the specific Tracked Handles on your puppet that you want to be controlled by your body movement. By default, just the wrists are tracked.

When you want to capture your body tracking performance to later export to a movie file or use in an After Effects or Premiere Pro project, you’ll want to record the performance (Help documentation on recording in Character Animator).


Set up your own puppet for body tracking

The Body behavior lets you control your puppet’s arms, legs, and torso by moving your body in front of your web cam. When you use the Body behavior, be sure to also have the Face behavior applied to control the position of the character and to track your facial expressions. You can also use the Limb IK behavior to prevent limb stretching, inconsistent arm bending, and foot sliding.



After importing your artwork into Character Animator, do the following steps to rig the puppet so that the Body Tracker can control it:

  1. Open the puppet in Rig mode.
  2. In the Properties panel’s Behaviors section, click “+”, and then add the Body behavior.
  3. Create tagged handles for the different parts of the body’s artwork so that the Body behavior can control their movements:
  • Arms: Move the origin handle to the shoulder area from where the arm should rotate; but do not tag it as “Shoulder” directly on the arm. You’ll want to tag your shoulders and hips one level higher in your puppet hierarchy – commonly the Body folder or the view folder (e.g., Frontal) – to keep your limbs attached during body tracking.
    Now, add handles at the locations of the elbow and wrist and apply the Left/Right Elbow and Left/Right Wrist tags to the handles.
  • Legs: Like the arms, move the origin handle of the leg to the hip area, but do not tag it as “Hip” directly on the leg. Add tagged handles for Left Knee, Left Heel, and Left Toe to the left leg and foot, and the Right Knee, Right Heel, and Right Toe tags to the handles on the right leg and foot.
  • Shoulders & Hips: The Shoulder and Hip handles should be on the body, not on the limbs. Select the parent group containing your limbs and add handles in the same shoulder and hip positions as the arm and leg origin handles. You’ll see green dots from the limbs where you can place them, or you can copy/paste the handles directly from the limbs to position them exactly. It should work fine either way. Tag these handles as Right Shoulder, Left Shoulder, Right Hip, and Left Hip.


Note: Body and Walk behaviors on the same puppet might cause issues because both want to control the same handles. If you do have both behaviors applied, consider turning off the Body behavior when animating walk cycles, and turning off Walk when doing general body animation. The Body behavior should work fine in side and 3/4 views.



This behavior has the following parameters:

  • When Tracking Stops controls how the puppet moves when the camera cannot track your body, such as if you moved out of view. Hold in place keeps the untracked body parts at the same place that they were last tracked. Return to rest moves the untracked body parts gradually to their original locations; use with the Return Speed parameter. Snap to rest moves them quickly to their original locations.
  • Return Speed controls how quickly untracked body parts return to their resting locations. This setting is available when the When Tracking Stops parameter is set to Return to rest.
  • Tracked Handles controls which of the tagged handles should be controlled by the Body Tracker. There are separate controls for the neck, the joints on the left and right arms, and the joints on the left and right legs.



If you’re getting unexpected tracking results, try calibrating the Body Tracker, as follows:

  • Click the Set Rest Pose button in the Camera & Microphone panel; when Body Tracker Input is on, Set Rest Pose will show a five-second countdown so that you can move back from the camera to get your entire body into view
  • Click the Refresh Scene button (refresh_scene.png) in the Scene panel, when Body Tracker Input is on
  • Turn on Camera Input, when Body Tracker Input is also on
  • Turn on Body Tracker Input 


The overall positioning of the character comes from face tracking. As such, if you notice issues such as floating feet, choppy movement, and/or not enough horizontal movement, consider checking the following:

  • lighting on your face
  • starting head position when you click Set Rest Pose 
  • Face behavior’s Head Position Strength setting


As with face tracking, the darker lighting conditions in the room can reduce the quality of the tracking and introduce jittery movement. Try to have adequate lighting when tracking your body.


If the arms are not moving, make sure both of your shoulders are being tracked in the camera.


Known issues and limitations

Body Tracker is still in development.


In this first public Beta version (v4.3.0.38), please note the following:

  • Foot position might slide or jump around unexpectedly.
  • The Walk and Body behaviors do not cooperate well since they are both trying to operate on the same handles simultaneously.
  • When your body moves outside of the camera’s view, the bone structure overlay stays visible in the Camera & Microphone panel


What we want to know

We want to hear about your experience with Body Tracking:

  • What are your overall impressions?
  • Are you able to control your puppet’s movement the way you want?
  • Have you found interesting ways to use the Body Tracker?
  • Which Body behavior parameters and handles did you find useful or not useful?
  • How can we improve the Body Tracker?


Also, we’d love to see what you create with Body Tracker. Share your animations on social media with the #CharacterAnimator hashtag.


Thank you! We’re looking forward to your feedback.



(Use this Beta forum thread to discuss the Body Tracker and share your feedback with the Character Animator team and other Beta users. If you encounter a bug, let us know by posting a reply here or choosing “Report a bug” from the “Provide feedback” icon in the top-right corner of the app.)







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replies 131 Replies 131
New Here ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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1.  Puppets exported by the Beta have an error when imported to the regular app/program.


2.  I'm a new user and unfortunately I jumped right into the Beta and created a bunch of triggers. How do I migrate them from the Beta to the regular app? The triggers were not created using camera control/body tracking.


3.  I found that the body tracking, while useful, was very jittery. Even at high smoothing levels, movements are still a bit jerky. Any tips to reduce this?


Overall, I'm having a great time exploring the features of Character Animator. You guys are doing a great job.






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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1+2. Beta puppets are made using a new codebase, so they will not work in lower number versions like the shipping release. I tend to think of them as two separate apps.


3. If possible, can you post a video showing what type of jitter you're seeing? Is it a delay/latency, or shaking artwork, or something else? This is something we are actively trying to fix and seeing your issues would help us a lot.





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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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The movements are not smooth. I try to move my arms slowly but this doesn't seem to help. Using the dragger produces better results for me. Hope the videos illustrate this.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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This is perfect - thank you so much! Awesome character as well!





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New Here ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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Thank you Dave!





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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One more thing the team just asked - is it possible to send us a screen recording of CH showing the webcam + character so we can see how the two are interacting? You can DM me the video if you don't want to be seen on camera publicly. If it's too much trouble no worries - it's just that this is an awesome example with a high quality puppet!





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New Here ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Here you go Dave. Happy to help. 

One more thing, I have been having some issues with the 'Compute Lip Sync with Scene Audio', the app misses a lot of "S", "M" and "F" sounds and assigns the incorrect mouth shapes. I have to go in and correct the errrors. Is there a way to reduce the error rate, by making the audio louder maybe?


Or can you guys add a text recognition function to accompany .wav file Lip Sync to increase accuracy? So you give the app a .wav file and a text transcript of what was said in the .wav file, for instance.


If you need anything else, let me know.....





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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Thanks! I noticed the webcam area seems pretty dark, so I wonder if more lighting might improve the results. I'm actually surprised how decent it's working given the darkness and general lack of contrast between you and the background. If you're able to try adding more lighting, please let us know if that improves things at all or not. I don't think we can reach the same smoothness as dragger yet, but I think that will at least get you a little closer.


Louder, clearer audio tends to get the best results. You can also fool around with the lip sync prefs in the Preferences menu to see more/less visemes at a time. The transcript idea is one we've wanted to implement for a long time, and while I can't announce anything right now, stay tuned... 🙂





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New Here ,
Jun 23, 2021 Jun 23, 2021

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I've used the webcam in my room with all the lights on and it seems to lose tracking, my room lights are a bit bright. The camera loses sight of my arms because the contrast is poor with all the lights on. Thanks Dave!






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New Here ,
Jun 20, 2021 Jun 20, 2021

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Body Tracker not working for me. It is seeing my limbs but will not respond to my movements. I've been trying for hours with many different puppets including my own custom build.


Yes I am standing far way and it sees my arms and hands because it's putting sticks on them. 


I'm on Apple Silicon chip. 

Deeply frustrating. Lipsync working perfectly but body tracker not working. Please help. 


Also the PINS don't seem to pin my custom build to the ground. I put about 7 in there. 






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2021 Jun 21, 2021

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Can you please download and import the Keiko character on adobe.com/go/ch_bodytracker and see if she works? Note for now only those 6 puppets are properly rigged for body tracking, none of the home screen puppets will work by default - you would need to at the very least add the Body behavior to them.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Hello. Sorry to post again.


Some of us are not being automatically granted access to beta builds on the Adobe website. Other people in this thread have said they've had this problem. (I'm having this problem, too.)


This is a tech support / website permissions issue. It may be that people who started with a single-app membership are not being granted permsission to access beta builds, even if they now have an all-app membership. This should be quick and easy to fix.


I'll contact tech support, but just mentioning it here in case you can fix it.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Thanks for letting us know, I was unaware of this issue. According to https://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/creative-cloud-public-beta.html, it says beta rollouts may still be happening? If you get a good answer from tech support please let us know!





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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Ok, I contacted tech support and we got it figured out.


You were basically correct in your response to the first poster in this thread.


In order to have access to beta builds, you must first download the Creative Cloud app (Account > All Apps > Available in your plan), which I hadn't done. Then generally it seems to be better to access your Adobe apps through the Creative Cloud desktop app than to access them through your web browser / the Adobe website.


Sorry, I'm not a total idiot; just not a tech person per se. 🙂


I do have to say, I've contacted Adobe tech support twice now for two different apps, and it's excellent and by far the best I've ever seen.





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New Here ,
Jun 24, 2021 Jun 24, 2021

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hi can you tell me how to edit Puppet bady tracker I can't use the regular Puppet in the beta help please





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 25, 2021 Jun 25, 2021

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See the Beta video overview at https://youtu.be/pCKMpTE4Cu8 - to enable a regular puppet for body tracking, you need to add Limb IK with the proper tags + the Body behavior.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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First of all, I took a few puppets I already had worked, and the body tracking JUST WORKED.  Adobe just instantly became my favorite company.


Feature request-- multiple-actor tracking.  Almost all my scenes have two characters, and if I could do them with my wife, I'd save SO much time.


Great job so far, I can't really suggest any improvements that are needed.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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First of all, I'm absolutley LOVING this new feature.  Instead of making weekly videos for my educational website, with pretty clunky animations (because I'm not a talented animator), I think with practice I'll be able to do about one each day, and with much more natural body language.  NICE!


That being said, I have a problem with rigging.


I have some models from a partner company which have multiple views and sets.  Specifically, several elements on each model are marked with "Left Wrist" and "Right Wrist" tags.


I discovered through trial and erorr that Body Tracking is only working on one pair of tags-- in my case, it only works when the character is turned to the left 3/4 view.


Is this a known limitation right now?  I can create multiple models, one for each view angle, but obviously it would be nice if I didn't have to do that.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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The Body behavior matches its handles “one per view.” So if you have multiple pairs of Wrist tags, make sure they are contained in separate views. You can tell which behaviors do this for their handle matches by looking at the tooltip in the rig properties panel:



You identify each view by selecting a layer group in Rig mode and using one of the layer tags like Frontal, Left Quarter, or Right Profile. And you’re allowed to have multiple of each, so you could have three Frontal views if you want — they all act as group-ers, and will show up in the Views list above.








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Jun 28, 2021 Jun 28, 2021

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The model I was using had both front and back arm positions in one view (my request to the designer) in the AI model, but the active set actually wasn't listed in the Model hierarchy in Ch.  (I'd call this a bug)


I deleted out the extra set in Ai, the active set now appeared in the Model in Ch, and I was able to correctly rig the arms and get the Body Tracking functioning properly.


Thanks so much for the help.  I'm supposed to be programming my company's website today, but I think "This site needs MOAR ANIMATIONS" is going to be my mantra this week! 😄





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Explorer ,
Jun 29, 2021 Jun 29, 2021

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I have tried teh body tracker and am very excited - however, if I use it with my laptop, I seem to have to move way way back in order for my whole body to appear in the frame. Is this because of the laptop and camera ?  Is there a recommended type of camera? The body tracking for the part of my body visible in the camera works really really well, but when I have to move this far back, its not working well event hough I can see the tracking lines for my arms, legs and head. Would a wide angle camera with a larger monitor work better? what do you recommend?





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 30, 2021 Jun 30, 2021

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I have used it with two webcams - the built-in one for my Macbook Pro and a Logitech Brio. I have found the Brio a little easier to work with given its wide angle options, which gives me a little more room to move in. All the tutorial video stuff I've shown has been with th Brio. But honestly most of the time I just use the built-in Macbook camera and it seems to work well. But yes, you do have to back up a little more, but the tracking should still be working as long as your body takes up most of the vertical height of the frame. If it isn't, try adjusting the lighting or making sure there is enough contrast between you and your background. If it still persists, send us a video of what the webcam + CH scene looks like and we can take a closer look.





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New Here ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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Seems to work OK for me.

I need to experiment more I think on getting a good walk in and sit pose.


I also need to experiment with the idea of me walking on the spot but the background moves to simulate that.


Some voice control may also help? That way we can just ask it to record or stop recording.


Good lighting seemed to have solved a few minor movement issues for me.





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Explorer ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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Hi, I have been attempting to build a full body tracking puppet with multiple views for bodies. Tagging each body view with head view tags (,such as Frontal) means body view will be switched alongside head turns.
Although its not natural if the character's head and body always turn at the same time. So I decided to use the swap set to switch between body views instead. 
However, the body tracker stops tracking body when I swap it to a view that is not my default view.
CoSA_DaveS's reply to jisooks58063913 is giving me the sense that this is a technical limitation.
If there is a solution, please let me know. I personally think body needs its own tags for different views.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 02, 2021 Jul 02, 2021

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I believe you would have to add the Body behavior to each view to get it to work, instead of just one Body behavior at the root. We are also working on some improvements to this that I think you will like — please stay tuned in the coming months.





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