Can I use adobe puppets of Character Animator in my Youtube video?
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There are many puppets that adobe proves for free.
I'm wondering if I can use them for my Youtube video or any commerical purpose.
I wanna use them as small roles in my animation.
Plus, some puppets asks to pay for extended license. I'm not sure what's the difference between just using them for free and paying to buy the extended license.
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All of the pupets provided by Adobe are available for free to use for any purpose you want. Any puppet that you have to pay for and choose a license type is not provided by Adobe and you have to abide by the use of the license agreement. Can you post a puppet where you have a question about the license?
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Thank you so much for the reply!
This is one of the puppets asking for the license
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Most of the licenses out there are reasonable. They are just to protect the business model. Some puppets take weeks to create - so have to have some restrictions. If you're unsure - just ask. We had a customer clarify this today before purchasing.
At ElectroPuppet, you can use the puppets for anything. Private or commercial. The only restrictions are that you cannot use the puppets to create anything pornographic, racist or defamatory. You cannot sell the puppets (modified or elements of the puppet). If you are using the puppet to create work for clients, that client should purchase a copy of the puppet directly from us.
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Dear David,
I am planning to use the adobe character animation puppet, Mark, to help me run a social media campaign on mental health, for my bachelor thesis final project. Are there any copy right limitations from Adobe?
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All of the puppets from Adobe are free for anyone to use without restriction.
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As @TheOriginalGC said, you're free to use any of the Adobe puppets without issue. Here's a link to a bunch of puppets with a text blurb at the top of the page clearly stating this:
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Yes, you can use the Standard license for commercial purposes on your YouTube videos. In general, if you're not selling anything that would also contain the .puppet file you should be ok with the Standard license, but the license description pages are quite nice and clear, so I recommend you read through both pages thoroughly to make sure you're covered. Each page has a section stating explicitly what you cannot do with the license, so it's up to you to read those and weigh them against what you intend to do with the puppet.