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Can't figure out what's wrong T_T

Engaged ,
Jul 30, 2020 Jul 30, 2020

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I have attached 2 puppets screenshots both in the timeline and the rig.


I rotate the Torso of both puppets and both puppets show a different result. One is not rotating at all, while the other one has its head rotated instead.


I don't want to make the torso independent, because I want the arm groups to move together with the torso every time the torso is moved (with transform behavior). I marked head and bottom to be independent because I don't want them to move with the torso. How do achieve this? I am still confused with layers here.

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Jul 30, 2020 Jul 30, 2020

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Disclaimer: Not sure, but here are some suggestions to try!


Background: There are layers and there are meshes. An independent node starts a new mesh. All the non-independent nodes under that node add to the mesh, until a new independent node appears. The yellow outline shows the mesh contents.


Meshes are important for attachment. There is the "Attach To" field - I think it is Weld, Hinge, and Free. I think Weld/Hinge are what you want for arms attaching to the body, so they follow the body mesh.


Transforming the root layer of the mesh I think rotates the mesh. I *suspect* rotating a child layer in the mesh will not rotate the mesh - this is where experimentation comes in. That is, one experiment is to make a copy of the puppet (this might lose rigging), add another sub-layer in the body, then add the Transform to that sublayer instead. I *think* that will transform the contents (rotate) without the other meshes following.


However, I don't think that will solve your problem because you want *some* following the parent mesh and others *not* following the mesh. Two suggestions for that.


(1) Try "Free" Attach To for the Head layer. I am hoping Free means "don't follow the parent". Problem solved! (I am just not sure - I have used "Free" like once in my life.)


(2) Change the puppet hierarchy. You want Head and Body to BOTH be independent, Torso inside Body is not independent. Body contains children for the arms and legs which are independent and because nested can attach to the Body mesh. Then at the top level "+MyCharacter" layer add some artwork for Body and Head to attach to. You can hide the artwork (make it invisible). It only exists for Body and Head to attach to. Because Head is not attached to the same mesh that Body is in, it won't follow it.





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Engaged ,
Jul 30, 2020 Jul 30, 2020

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Thank you for your answer.


If I rotate a child layer and that child layer is dependent, it will rotate the entire mesh. That's the problem with my current puppet rig.


I will try the second option and see how it works out.





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