Character Animator Examples
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Latest example puppets are now available at:
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Thanks. Didn't see the link to the "OkaySamuraiPuppetPack" (with 4 new characters) from Dave Werner's great video above, so copying it here for completeness:
Here are some free example puppets I created to help you get started:
Feel free to modify and use these guys however you want, no credit needed. Hopefully they help you get started with your own original characters!
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Whenever I try to open the example projects ( Character Animator Examples- Preview 4 and Okay Samurai Examples), it shows the error:
Can't open project, because it was created with a newer version(1.0.4)... Where can I update or what can I do?
Thanks for your reply.
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Preview 4 was released a little over a month ago - you'll have to update After Effects to the latest version, 2015.3 - Preview 4 is included with that. You should have a Creative Cloud installer - here's how to update: Download and install Adobe Creative Cloud apps
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oksamurai, are all the free puppet examples you provide and those in Character Animator free to use and build upon for commercial purposes as well? Thank you and the team for the many great in-depth tutorials!
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Yep - feel free to use them for whatever creative projects you have! The only thing you can't do is sell them - they're free and meant for everyone to help learn Character Animator.
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Got it. Thanks!
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THANK YOU so much. I'm just getting my head around Character Animator, and it's thanks to all your work! Cheers!
Is there a place you'd like us to share finished work?
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Hi, are the puppets still available, because the link is broken - the files are not available anymore.
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Hi Swenia, which link are you referring to? They all work fine for me.
(After clicking, look at the upper right of the page, where it says either "Save to Creative Cloud" or "Download.")
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Hi, thanks, it seems it was an temporarly... thanks for answer.
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In the online manual you are using a empty template.
I can't seem to find it on my mac or online. Why isn't it build in the app instead of having to do the same routine over and over again.
I create a new puppet now I get the blue guy and I neet to first delete the whole lot to start from scratch. Does not make sense to me.
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What online manual did you use? I tried to work with an empty template -- just the layers with all images removed, but found it more time consuming than just replacing what was there. I lost track of where things went in the layer.
So I'd like to try the empty template you mention if you can point me there.
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I'm refering to Character Animator Tutorial - YouTube
For me it saves time having a empty layer document or at least a quick way to put in the correct layer names.
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I don't think I will understand all of this. I want to make like a Halloween Poster, or highlight words. I think my free trial will end now.
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Hi Cheryl - If you're looking to make a printed poster, Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign may be better bets; Character Animator is a video animation program.
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Just thought I'd share my first Character Animation.
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That's great timarasa ! Thanks for sharing.
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Hi, how to delete the message "press h for help" ?
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Erwan21 If you dig into the folders on the left you should see the "Instructions" puppets - you can turn the visibility for those off or just delete them.
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Is it possible to have an example baby or child puppet? I've tried to swap out the body parts in the examples given but it never looks quite right I am beginning a project where I need to animate a small child or infant and a mom --- as part of a training program for parents of deaf children. I think my problem is the body proportions -- don't know how to substitute the example puppets with different body proportions and maintain all the rigs.
Any help is appreciated.
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Smart Ears No baby examples I know of (yet), sorry. I would resize the character in Photoshop and redo/remove any body rigging in Character Animator - resizing isn't going to translate things like draggable & fixed handles or sticks well.
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I will need to create one from scratch and see how it goes.
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Hey okSamuri, In your video on youtube (I am posting this on your channel as well), you demonstrated those eyes and eyebrows with mouth combo that is downloadable. Where can I find that face package that is pre-rigged. Can I go through each layer in photoshop and change the color, shape and location individually?
Also, can I put a png string of files into animate cc? Does character animator have any connections to animate cc where I can import?
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Okay Samurai Puppet Pack is here: Check out the shareable puppet files in there. When you bring it into CH, try Edit > Edit Original to open it up and edit in Photoshop. No direct connections to Animate CC yet - but we hear that as a common request.

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