Edit keyboard triggers in the timeline
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Is it possible to edit keyboard triggers after recording the performance. Like move them around, add new ones in the timeline? I tried and it was a bit confusing, there didn't seem to be an obvious keyframe at the point of the action and I could figure out how to trigger a new trigger within the timeline.
thank you.
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Yes, your key triggers will show up in the timeline after recording - but there currently isn't a great visual indication of when they're on or off (this will change in future versions).
You can always hold down a trigger and go to Timeline > Record 1 frame take, which will give you a small trigger you can manipulate. This will also be easier in the future - it's all a little cumbersome right now.
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Okay great. This is really helpful, thanks.
I'm glad i wasn't missing something. I'll try that "record one frame" trick.
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is there any way ot get to keyboard triggers, so I can input which letter does what trigger?
How do I get to the part of the program, and which program, helps me to do this?
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There is a Triggers panel that gives you control over the key bindings to use. It’s where you define triggers and swap sets. There is a little box on the left you type the key into.
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What do I click on?
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Double click on a puppet icon (“Blank Face (Photoshop)”) so you start editing the puppet. You should get a panel like this one:
If you right click on a row, or click in the last column under the finger touching a circle, you can create new triggers. I did this for a few of the mouth positions above. There is a "Triggers" panel as well. (The position can vary.) The following is the puppet after assigning some triggers, then the triggers panel with assigning a few keys. I put these in a swap set so picking one will deselect the others.
To rename a swapset or trigger, click on it in the trigger panel then hit "Enter" (or right click and a menu will come up with "Rename" in it)
To assign a key to "Ah", you click in the empty box and type in the key you want.
You can do this in "Rig" mode as well, since it is a part of rigging the puppet.
Note also, there is a "controls panel".
with a big button you can click
which also allows you to define a control panel that can be used during recordings as a reminder panel of bindings etc.
While in layout mode, you can drag other properties of the puppet into the panel to have sliders for number properties etc, like Scale above.
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I added a keyboard trigger to my left and right eyebrow, my left eyebrow is moving, but not my right, how can I fix this so both of my eyebrows move at the same rate of tilt.
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Could you supply more details about how you set it up? I normally do eyebrows with different layers then bind a key to multiple things at once (both eyebrows, the eyes themselves, etc). But you mention "same rate of tilt" which sounds different than just using swap layers? Screenshots can help!
Note, if you scroll down Debugging Adobe Character Animator Eyes – Extra Ordinary, the Series to "Emotions in eyes", you will see how I normally set up triggers with eyes.
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by rate of tilt, I mean that my left eyebrow is moving far higher upwards, than my right eye which isn't moving at all.
Also, would you know how I could make a fireball/plume of smoke keyboard trigger?
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If one eyebrow is working and one is not, I would be looking for typing/spelling errors or similar. There must be some difference between the eyebrows.
One of the videoed with this guy had a demo of fire breathing Google Image Result for https://www.headtrixtraining.com/images/classExamples/Character-Animator/_an...
lookung through the tips and tricks etc videos for particles.
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Thank you. I am sure that there is no spelling errors, but will check anyway. Where would I find what I have to change and if it is not a spelling error, what else may be the problem?
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Hi, I have fixed my left eyebrow, but my right eyebrow isn't moving and I am unsure how to change the tilt if the eyebrow? Do you have any ideas?
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Would need more information to help - how it is rigged (screen shots or sharing puppet etc). Obviously you have got most of it right because one eyebrow is working - it's probably some silly little mistake you missed for the other one. But not enough to go on without more information sorry. Rigging, body structure, how you did the first eyebrow, etc.
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The first eyebrow, I got from a pre-made puppet template that character animator gave me, here is an example of what is it doing, where only the right eyebrow is working and the left one isn't moving at all.
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I have just decided to go with only one eyebrow moving and i think that it will be ok. Thanks for all of your help.
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That is one way to solve it!
Its typically something in the rigging of the puppet. E.g. if you have a keyboard trigger, is it associated with both eyebrows or just one. Then is the layers in the eyebrows right, do you have the swap set right, etc. What matters is the puppet Hierarchy, the rigging, the layers, the triggers, ... so it needs a fair bit of detail to debug sometimes.