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I'm reposting it cuz no one have answered me 😞 I have the 22.4 version but having the same problem
Me again... I hope you are not sick of me and my puppet.
I have a puppet with different angles and the walk behavior. When this problem came up, i thought it's about the walking and limb ik behaviors being used at the same time so i came up with a new puppet with no walk behavior. I thought that i can work with two puppets to solve this problem but it didn't work.
I've read every post and tried so many things. (If there is no problem, just try to move the feet a couple times more and you'll see, the frontal come up ok but the others are still sticking)
Thank you in advance, you guys have no idea how you are helping me. This is basically how i make a living at the moment, i hope i can be better soon and bother you guys less with my issues.
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I'll take a look, though I'll be using the latest publicly released version instead of 22.4.
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OK, I've downloaded both of your puppets and need some help figuring out what's wrong with them.
I found several issues in the 1.4 version(Head detaches from body, body stuck to scene, jacket stuck to scene) with them and it's pretty time consuming to fix and explain all of them at once, so let me know your highest priority and we can work from there.
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When i manually try to move their feet, its sticking to the ground like in this pic. That problem is especially important in the Salih Beta 1. In the quarter looks. And again, in Salih Beta 1, frontal looks really great but in the other views, limb iq looks like it doesn't work; for example the legs are still stretching.
and i'm gonna try to solve these problems that you told me by deleting unnecessary pins.
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OK. You've got 2 LimbIK behaviors on the top level of the puppet. I suggest putting one on each view(Standing, Left Quarter, Right Quarter) of the puppet. That seemed to fix it for me.
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