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My characters layers are glitching randomly with no sense of pattern or cause as everything was working fine seconds ago then it just started glitching in record mode. I'm extremely frusterated because i'm working on a project with a deadline and when I pay for premium professional expensive software I expect it to work unless i'm doing something wrong which i'm not because the glitching results aren't even consistent. Withot changing the .AI file the glitch switched to making the legs and arms disapear then switched back to making the face or eye white parts disapear during different head turns. Also if you look in the video I attached some of the individual layers in the mouths are being seperately glitched. That's partially how I know this isn't a normal problem. I just bought this iMac 2021 (Apple chipset) a few days ago, not sure if that could be the cause it's been working great on this computer for 2 days since I got it. I might just redo the file as it's not that big of a deal and reboot my computer as force quiting the program and all others running and reopening it didn't fix it.
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I used translation software to turn English into Japanese.
Maybe it's because your puppet's face layer is set to off?
So when you move the face with the head turner, the face disappears.
Please check it out.
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It doesn't have anything to do with the new computer, it looks like standard rigging issues. Could you please File > Export > Puppet and share it as a link (Creative Cloud, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) so I could take a closer look?