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Illustrator 2019 shows up in the bar along the bottom
But, then when I run the DeBugger it says CS 6 isn't running and I can't run CC2019?
Using MacOS 10.12.6 VSCode 1.50.1 ExtendscriptDebugger 1.1.2
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The ExtendScript debugger isn't intended to work with CS6. This is because Adobe has stopped supporting all but the most recent two major releases of any given Creative Cloud product.
There's also a trick to how the debugger works - it opens up a certain kind of connection or session that winds up being difficult to close. It's probably failing to connect to CS6 then leaving that metaphorical phone off the hook. You'll have to force quit "Code" processes from the Activity Monitor, or just restart the machine to connect to CC2019 again.
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Thanks for the reply. I don't think I was clear though. I do not currenlty have CS6 installed on my computer - I used to, but it has been uninstalled. I use CC 2019. I target CC2019 in VSCode, but when I actually run the debugger it gives me the warning "CS6 is not currenlty running" - For some reason VSCode thinks I want to target CS6(which isn't even installed!)
I tried removing all the VS code preference files and re-installing, but it still won't target CC2019.
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Just to double-check... you restarted the machine, right? Just asking since that clears up many host targeting problems.
Have you read this helpful post by @sberic ? This other post may also be helpful.
Let me know!
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You mentioned that you removed all the VS Code Preference files. Does that include your project's launch.json file? It should reside in the .vscode directory.
If that still exists, do you perchance have the "targetSpecifier" field listed? If so, what is it set to?
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Yes, I have "targetSpecifier" listed in tghe launc.json file. I have this set to "illustrator-23"
Tried restarting my machine. I searched for any CS6 file on the machine and removed them. I even uninstalled VSCode and re-installed it. Somewhere Extendscript debugger is still getting a "reference" to the old install of CS6?
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🤔There's probably a refernce to it in an (invisible) database file. Although I don't know how the Debugger works with those files.
I'd try uninstalling and reinstalling the Creative Cloud Desktop App. I'd also try running the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. And then restarting... and see if you get the same results. Definitely tell us what happens!
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Do you happen to have the ExtendScript Toolkit installed as well? If not, you can download it here.
I suggest trying to make a debug connection to Illustrator CC2019 with ESTK and see if you are able to do so. If you are able to do so, then close ESTK and try again with VSCode. If you aren't able to do so, then mention it here along with whatever error you see. That might be indicative of a deeper issue.
NOTE: Please ensure that VSCode is closed when you open ESTK. If VSCode is open and the ExtendScript Debugger extension is enabled, then ESTK will probably fail to start (and definitely fail to connect to any host applications).
The ExtendScript Debugger is not as capable at handling the host application debugger connections as ESTK is. My suspicion is that something on your machine got into a bad state and the VSCode extension doesn't know how to handle it.
Let us know how it goes!
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Wow. OK, so I tried targeting Illustrator 2019 with the ESTK and got the same error.
When I try to target .ai2019, it appears on the list, but also CS6 (Which is not installed) appears on the list.
Then when I actually try to run the script I get the same error (basically), as VSCode.
I'm going ot try uninstalling all the CC apps, then re-installing, but this takes awhile so I'll probably have to do it over the weekend.
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Well, at least we know now that the issue isn't restricted to the VSCode ExtendScript Debugger extension! Great find!
With any luck your cleaning process will clear out whatever bad juju has infected your system. Let us know how it goes!