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Exists a current version about Adobe ColdFusion Report Builder as Adobe ColdFusion Report Builder 2023?
There has not been a new version of cf report builder since before 2010. For now, that ability to create reports is "deprecated and unsupported" per the cf deprecated features page.
I will note that in the past year there have been mentions by Adobe (at conferences) that they realize the importance of reporting for many users, so they were investigating new possibilities.
There may since have been new news that I've missed. They also said there will be a release after cf2023, so let's see w
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(Sorry, in my first reply here I had misread your note. I see you're asking about cf Report builder rather than CFBuilder--the editor. I've removed what I'd written and will offer a new reply about report builder, in case you got emailed my first mistaken reply.)
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Ok, don't worry.
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There has not been a new version of cf report builder since before 2010. For now, that ability to create reports is "deprecated and unsupported" per the cf deprecated features page.
I will note that in the past year there have been mentions by Adobe (at conferences) that they realize the importance of reporting for many users, so they were investigating new possibilities.
There may since have been new news that I've missed. They also said there will be a release after cf2023, so let's see what it may offer. Or perhaps Adobe or someone else will have more info for you.
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Thank you Charlie for your answer
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Myself and a colleauge had a nice discussion with Mark Takata and Charvi Dhoot about the possibility of a re-vamped CF Report Builder in the future. I've been a frequent "squeeky-wheel" on the topic, as our organization has a rather significant investment in *.cfr documents - we have hundreds upon hundreds of report builder documents in use every day, including some very much vital to our clients. (checks, w-2s, 1099's, 1095's, on and on). I was rather tickled to know that there's at least some interest in Adobe re-investing in the report builder. We are on Cold Fusion 2021 at present - the last update to Report Builder was for CF 10, and that was just updating the splash screen to say CF 9, otherwise it's the same as it's been since CF8.