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On CF9, I am having no issues. Currently, I am testing on a new web server with CF11 update 10. The error I am receiving is:
0 is not greater than zero or less than or equal to 0.The range passed to ArraySet must begin with a number greater than zero and less than or equal to the second number.
Here is a snippet of my code (not sure if you will need more than that). The bolded code is where it is saying it is erroring out on and I believe is where I need to make a change. I am more or less looking for more ideas on what to check or if something has changed since CF9 that I have not read on. I tried referencing Re: Crosstab - array error for my issue but still couldn't find a good solution. I was told to create a new thread.
<cfset bucketlist = ValueList(crosstabcolumns2.ts_desc)>
<cfset bucketheaders = ListToArray(bucketlist)>
<cfset b = ArrayLen(bucketheaders)>
<cfset bucketarray = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset bucketTotal = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset temp = arrayset(bucketTotal,1,b,"0")>
<cfoutput query="summedresultsNewOld" group="classcode">
<table border="1" cellpadding="5">
<tr><th width="225">MAIN CAMPUS</th>
<cfloop index="i" From="1" to="#b#">
<th width="125">TOTALS</th>
<cfoutput group="ts_type" >
<cfset temp = arrayset(bucketarray,1,b,"0")>
<cfset i = listfind(bucketlist, trim(summedresultsNewOld.ts_desc))>
<cfset temp = ArraySet(bucketarray, i, i, summedresultsNewOld.headcount)>
<cfset temp = ArraySet(BucketTotal,i, i, (BucketTotal + summedresultsNewOld.headcount))>
<cfset rowtotal = 0>
<cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#b#">
<cfset rowtotal = #rowtotal# + #bucketarray
<td width="125">#bucketarray
<th bgcolor="##999999">TOTALS</th>
<cfloop index="j" from="1" to="#b#">
<td bgcolor="##999999">#BucketTotal
<td bgcolor="##999999">#ArraySum(BucketTotal)#</td>
This is the result of what it should look like (currently in CF9). Any help is appreciated!
Off the top of my head, you are setting i to ListFind(), which returns 0 when the item is not found in the list.
If you are SURE that the item is in the list, try using ListFindNoCase() - it could be a case sensitive issue.
PS: Check to make sure that everything is trim()'d, and that the list items do not have any whitespaces. That can also cause an item to not be found.
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Off the top of my head, you are setting i to ListFind(), which returns 0 when the item is not found in the list.
If you are SURE that the item is in the list, try using ListFindNoCase() - it could be a case sensitive issue.
PS: Check to make sure that everything is trim()'d, and that the list items do not have any whitespaces. That can also cause an item to not be found.
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I first tried replacing ListFind with ListFindNoCase but got no results (same errors). Then when I read your response about trim(), it triggered in my head that might be the issue. By replacing trim() in:
<cfset i = listfind(bucketlist, trim(summedresultsNewOld.ts_desc))>
<cfset temp = ArraySet(bucketarray, i, i, summedresultsNewOld.headcount)>
<cfset temp = ArraySet(BucketTotal,i, i, (BucketTotal + summedresultsNewOld.headcount))>
It fixed my issue. Not really sure why trim was used beforehand or why it works in CF9 versus CF11. I might retrace my steps and see eventually why that was used. Thanks for the help!
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Glad to hear that you got it working, and thank you for marking my answer correct, in case anyone else has the same issue.