Auth_User is blank
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I am new to coldfusion and need some "guiding" on this matter. I have a workstation with windows 10 and I have installed Coldfusion2016 as a .war file (cfusion.war, a JEE install option) in the webapps folder in apache tomcat 9.x directory.
In the following Coldfusion code, the Auth_User is blank and when I run my application I get error.
<cfset ThisUser_Id = TRIM(UCASE(RemoveChars(auth_user,1,find('\',auth_user))))>
What do I need to do to get value for "auth_user"?
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Where is "Auth_User" coming from or how is it being set? Is it from a CGI variable?
Keep in mind that some of the CGI variables that are typically populated by ColdFusion if installed using the installer may not be available with a WAR deployment on stock Tomcat. The Tomcat included in a ColdFusion install has been customized by Adobe to provide additional functionality, including setting many CGI variables.
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Hi Carl;
What do you mean by "Additional Functionality"? Does connecting Tomcat to Active Directory for user authentication is fit into that?
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Do you have an IIS server on top of Tomcat? I trust, Auth_user is only filled with a value if "Windows Authentication" is enabled on the IIS site
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IIS is not involved in this and Tomcat is the only server involved. Having said that, it looks like I need to connect Tomcat to the Active Directory for user authentication.
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I agree with @Bardnet. If you no longer wish to use Windows Authentication, then you should replace the authentication code in your application.