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I have a DB with a date field that I need to update periodically. I'd like to set a date on the same template where I insert the record.
I run my insert query, then run a select query for maxID to get the data row. I set a session variable with a calculated date, and I want to "set" that date in the field with an update query. In the following code, setting the value as "2021-09-17" will update the field, as I desire. But, if I try to use my session variable for the update, it doesn't work. I've tried every variation on syntax I can conceive of, and nothting works.
After the form action, debugging on my page shows that the variable exists and holds a value. Is there a chance that it doesn't get set before the update query fires?
<!--- Set ExpireDate column --->
<cfquery datasource="#APPLICATION.dsn#">
UPDATE tbl_user
<!---SET ExpireDate = "#session.ExpireDate#"--->
SET ExpireDate = "2021-09-17"
WHERE UserID = '#session.UserID#'
I have no doubt the solution is simple, but it escapes me.
Use the CreateOdbcDate() function.
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Out of curiosity, I inserted the following code between my insert query and update query to test for the contents of the variable.
<cfif len(trim(session.expiredate))>
<cflocation url="/index.cfm?value=#session.expiredate#">
This is my result: "http://localhost:8502/index.cfm?value=17-Sep-21"
So, indeed, the variable has a value.
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Use the CreateOdbcDate() function.
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I should take a picture of my face with my best "DOH!" expression on it.
Thanks so much, Eddie!
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You're welcome. 🙂