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I am using Cold Fusion 11 and trying to schedule an execution of an email process.
Tried to send a basic email in Cold Fusion using the Scheduler. Did not receive the email.
Checked the scheduler error log and the message in log is: Connection Failure: Status code unavailable
The scheduler has not been used before.
The basic email functionality works standalone.
Per preliminary research about the scheduler, there is information that some type of cert needs to be installed in Cold Fusion in a Java keystore.
Does something need to be installed?
If so, is there any detailed instructions?
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Hi Mike,
Error describes that you need to import the certificate in Java keystore in ColdFusion. Please use the same certificate which you are using in your server(website) and import it. It will require ColdFusion restart so you might want to schedule it.
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Is there a detailed document on how to do this?
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Hi Mike,
Use the url which you are using in schedule task and open that in a IE browser.
1. Click on the lock sign and view certificate.
2. Go to Details Tab and click on Copy to File.
3. Click on Next and export the certificate(it will be in .CER format).
4. Once you export the certificate, check if you are using external JDK in your ColdFusion. You can either check the jvm.config and see JAVA.Home or you can login to ColdFusio Admin and look for JDK path in Settings Summary.
5. Let's say you have JRE that shipped with ColdFusion and path is \ColdFusion\jre\.
6. Launch the command prompt as "Run as Admin" and navigate to \ColdFusion\jre\bin
7. Type this command, you can also find this command in Oracle article aslo. "keytool -import -alias {Unique_name} -file {complete location of the .CER file} -keystore \ColdFusion\jre\lib\security\cacerts " and press enter.
8 It will ask you for password, use "changeit" which is mostly used, however you can chose whichever you want.
9 Restart ColdFusion and try again.
If you have any doubt, please check any online document Importing site certificate into Java Runtime certificate store |