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We have a CF2018 Standard server currently running 3 scheduled tasks. Each task sends an email. I noticed that, when recently adding the third task, which is scheduled to run first (2:10AM), after a scheduled restart of the CF App Server Service (9PM), it would run, but not send an email. I decided to bracket this task with two other ones, 1 minute before and 1 minute after, which would send test emails. With those two tasks in place, the 2:09AM task would run, but not send an email, the 2:10 task would run and would now send an email, and the 2:11 task would also run and send an email. I disabled the CF App Server Service restart, and now all tasks send an email. This leads me to think that, after a CF App Server Service restart, the first task to run that sends an email will not, in fact, send and email.
Has anyone seen this behavior in CF before?
A clarification - It's not that the email does not send. It's that the email isn't created.
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