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cfdocument hanges on slow images

Explorer ,
May 16, 2007 May 16, 2007

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Here's the deal, we have a CF web service which generates PDF files. You pass it HTML and the path to a file server and it writes a PDF there. Pretty simple. We have a Java app which generates appraisals on the fly and uses the CF web service to make a PDF.

The problem: Once or twice a day a request would just hang. CPU usage would stay low, but the thread would just sit there. This was on CF 7.0.2 Standard which means cfdocument was single threaded and all other cfdocuments on the server would get in line and wait.
We now have CF 7.0.2 Enterprise which multi-threads cfdocument, but it hasn't solved the initial problem.
These hung threads will run for hours EVEN THOUH the timeout is 100 seconds. Furthermore, I CANNOT kill the thread with SeeFusion. I have to restart CF.

So. I started digging. I would observe stack traces for the hung threads. Every time the thread hung it would be fetching images in the HTML. I knew this because the top of the thread stack always looks like this:

"jrpp-80" waiting for monitor entry
- waiting on <147> a com.icesoft.util.trackers.RenderDoneTracker)
at com.icesoft.util.trackers.RenderDoneTracker.propertyChange(RenderDoneTracker.java:104)
at ice.storm.StormBase.add(OEAB)
at ice.storm.StormBase.sendViewportMessage(OEAB)
at ice.storm.StormBase.stopViewportLoading(OEAB)
at ice.storm.StormBase.stopLoading(OEAB)
at coldfusion.document.DocumentProcessor.processContent(DocumentProcessor.java:149)
at coldfusion.document.DocumentProcessor.ProcessContent(DocumentProcessor.java:59)
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.processContent(DocumentTag.java:1235)
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.doAfterBody(DocumentTag.java:1190)
at cffilemanagement2ecfc930489299$funcCREATEPDF.runFunction(D:\Inetpub2\CustomTags\CFC\machII\tempest\filemanagement.cfc:122)

and there will be another thread every time that looks like this:

"Image Fetcher 2" runnable
- locked <142> (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
- locked <144> (a sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection)
- locked <147> (a com.icesoft.util.trackers.RenderDoneTracker)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(BufferedInputStream.java:183)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:222)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTPHeader(HttpClient.java:760)
at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.parseHTTP(HttpClient.java:711)
at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(HttpURLConnection.java:635)
at java.net.URLConnection.getContent(URLConnection.java:585)
at java.net.URL.getContent(URL.java:927)
at coldfusion.document.DocumentImageRetriever.processImageSrc(DocumentImageRetriever.java:117)
at coldfusion.document.DocumentImageRetriever.fetch(DocumentImageRetriever.java:69)

Notice how the first thread is waiting on thread 147 which is locked by the Imagefetcher thread.

Ok, so images are my problem. But which ones?
I started by loading the HTML into IE while running MS Fiddler to look for 404's or other errors but there were none. My cfdocument problems were sporadic and random so it was something which would work most of the time but not every time.

I waited for the problem to happen again and used TCPView.exe from SYSInternals to view all my open TCP connections. Sure enough I had an open TCP connection every time from jrun.exe to the same remote server. The HTML being generated referenced an image on this remote server.
I also found at this point, that if I used TCPView to kill the TCP connection, the thread would "un-hang"-- proving that cfdocument was waiting on the image to return.

Now I fired up Ethereal, which is a packet sniffer and had it log all TCP traffic to and from that server for two days until a request hung again. I waited 15 minutes, then killed the TCP connection (which coaxed the thread into finishing) and then looked at my network trace. Sure enough, at the same time the cfdocument started, the following TCP conversation happened between JRUN and the remote server:

JRUN: SYN (read: you there?)
Remote: SYN ACK (read: yeah, why?)
JRUN: ACK (read: just checking.)
JRUN: HTTP GET host/path/image_name (read: hey, can I have this image)
Remote: ACK (read: sure, coming right up)

That was the last TCP frame in the stream until I killed it 15 minutes later. The remote server never responded, and the ImageFetcher function just sat there by the phone at "java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0" till kingdom come.

Now, I have no control over the remote server, so don't even suggest I try to fix their problems. Anyone outside my firewall is outside of my control.

I want to know:
1) Why the Cold Fusion Timeout isn’t observed
2) Why I can't kill the thread manually with SeeFusion
3) Why the HECK cfdocument has no internal timeout for HTTP requests. (I let one run for 24 hours before and it just sat there)
4) Is this a known issue?
5) Is there a bug request in for it?
6) When will it be fixed?
7) Where the heck are Spain's plains located, and why won’t the rain leave it alone?

If you have any information, think you have seen this problem, would like more information, or are just trolling the forums late at night looking for conversation, please weigh in on this.


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Explorer ,
May 17, 2007 May 17, 2007

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I found this technote which may help you diagnose:






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Explorer ,
May 17, 2007 May 17, 2007

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Thanks for the tech note scooter5791. I have actually read that tech note and it is very helpful.
I am fairly confident, however, that I have all the information from the stack trace that I am going to get.
I know that the thread is hung waiting for a reply from a remote server. My question really is more of WHY doesn't the thread time out. I mean, it makes sense to wait a while in case the internet connection is slow, but if there has been NO reponse for hours, why would the code keep waiting? And why can't I kill the thread??






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Explorer ,
May 17, 2007 May 17, 2007

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I kinda figured that. It is interesting to note that the very last example in this technote sounds suspiciously similar to your issue - even though it was supposedly fixed, perhaps not in all cases. Your best bet is probably going straight to Adobe support.





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Explorer ,
May 17, 2007 May 17, 2007

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Sure, for 500 dollars an incident? :)

I'm hoping some Adobe type will notice this thread since I am almost certain it is a bug. It's happened before, but I don't know how much attention they pay to the forums...

I've submitted bug requets before but other cfdocument bugs, but those seem to be black holes :)






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Explorer ,
May 18, 2007 May 18, 2007

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Man, too bad no one can help me....





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Participant ,
May 18, 2007 May 18, 2007

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I'm not to sure on CF thread processing, but you could always implement a CFX and spawn a thread to do your request. If the thread doesn't return in a fixed amount of time, return false and continue on.

Edit: Adding CFX sudocode (kind of c/c++)





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Participant ,
May 18, 2007 May 18, 2007

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oh don't forget to kill the thread/return thread memory to heap, etc at end of the function(), unless you call the function a lot, then perhaps, add part of CFX a variable to kill the thread, and call it in Application.cfc->onApplicationEnd(). Make it an optional variable that defaults to false, but when true kills and deletes the thread instance.





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Explorer ,
May 18, 2007 May 18, 2007

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Chuck1411 That's an intereting approach.
I'm not so sure that a thread spawned by a CFX tag would not suffer from the same problems when it comes to me being unable to kill it. I assume I would not have access to any other methods than SeeFusion already uses to kill threads, but I would be interested in finding out how that works.

What I really wish though, is that Adobe would fix cfdocument to not hang and to time out.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Interesting, I'm investigating the same issue in CF 2016, 9 YEARS LATER. So it's still a problem. Perhaps CF2021 will resolve it.





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Enthusiast ,
Feb 08, 2021 Feb 08, 2021

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Since the underlying technology hasn't changed, you may probably encounter the same result.

When using CFDocument, we endeavored to ensure that 1) all images were local and 2) the image color palettes were Adobe-friendly. We also had to be very careful regarding which HTML, CSS and fonts were used.  Small images were often duplicated even though each image was different.  It was very frustrating and we almost lost a major client as a result.

After we switched to WKHTMLTOPDF for PDF generation (back when using CF8/9), we never encountered any of the same basic issues as we did with CFDocument.  CFHTMLTOPDF is based on WKHTMLTOPDF, but we still prefer to use the non-blackboxed executable that we can upgrade at any time.  (It also enables us to perform PDF generation concurrently as well as offline.)





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