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CKeditor does not display - same code, new version of CF/IIS

Explorer ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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Hello All-


I've been using the CFform/CFtextarea richtext editor for years.  And it's been going well.

I have just moved my applications to a new server.  In this move, I went up to CF2018, and the latest Windows/IIS versions.  (Server 2019, IIS v. 10)


Just about everything is working perfectly, except that CKeditor will no longer display.  I just get a large blank space about the size that the editor window would be. 


I have made a super simple page that should just show the textarea with richtext, and that page also does the same thing- big space for the editor, that is completely empty.  (Important, the textarea does not show up, there are no outlines, nothing.  Just a blank space on the page)


On the pages where the editor should display, all of the proper .js pages are linked.  I can view the source, and follow those links and all go to valid files.  


Could this be some sort of firewall or security issue?  The new server is locked down more than before- but without a direction to go, I can't really open up the entire server for this!  Specific ports, sure.  But not everything.


My code has not changed, and I use this feature regularly, so I can't imagine this is a code issue.  Is this something that needs to be installed (but the files are present) or is there some sort of configuration change I need to make?


Thanks for any help-






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Advocate ,
Oct 28, 2020 Oct 28, 2020

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It's possible you need to install the deprecated YUI library .

Since cfinput requires it, I'm guessing cftextarea does too.





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