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ColdFusion 2018 - Applying Hotfix 1 - Pretasks failing with no error messages

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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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I got my CF2018 up and running, nice and secured, with a copy of our production webfiles.  I am now attempting to apply hotfix-1 against the environment.

I download the file from the updates area (our servers do not allow external internet connections) and attempt to run the jar but it seems to be failing in the pretasks stating I do not have sufficent privileges. 

Basic info:

Have full access to all drives impacted (read/write/modify)

Have access to start/stop the service (windows 2016)

I am using Oracle JDK 10.0.2 java.exe to run the command line

The summary states:



Installation:  Cancelled during pre-install.

32 Successes

0 Warnings

0 NonFatalErrors

0 FatalErrors

So it stats the user account should have rea/write privileges to the files in the CF root directory and to start/stop the service.  Yet the log starts I have all the access and each part is successful..  Is there a better log file than the one created during the .jar installation?







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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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You don't clarify if you ran the command line "as administrator". That is necessary, even if you are in the admin group. If the command prompt window says "administrator" in its title bar, then it is an Admin.

In some configurations the command prompt will indeed open that way initially. In others, you must right-click the "command prompt" option in the Start menu and choose "run as admin". Here's a trick I use to know if I am running "as admin": run the command:

net session

If that reports an error, you are not an admin. If it reports "no entries" or lists some, then you are an Admin. (What it lists and what it means is not important. It's just a simply sanity check.)

Let us know what you find or confirm.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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Charlie, Unfortunately I wish it was that simple.  I should have updated the question with the fact that I am running is as administrator.

The net session did come back with my elevated account.

During the command line, it stops the coldfusion server but then fails with that error.  I am going to try to look more into the event viewer to see if it shows something that CF isnt stating...





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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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Ok, I investigated as much as I understand and it just seems the hf just quits with a reason but doesnt give the reason.  It goes through the checks, stops the service for the server, and once it confirms it is down, states I dont have rights to read/write files.

Is there a complete list of files/folders that is required for an administrator account?

Or would it be a problem or cause a false positive if we are using groups in AD instead of actual usernames?

It seems to create a text file called cfhotfix.txt, stop the service, runs a AD list of aliases, confirms the service is down and then states I dont have access or the proper rights...

Is there a debug flag for these installs to create a more robust log file?

Thanks in Advance!

Ben Compton





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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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The groups vs users thing in AD won't make a difference. The vast majority of Windows environments rely on groups in AD to assign permissions.

It sounds to me like there are some restrictions on your administrator accounts that are not normal. I can't say why that is. But one thing you could probably do is (a) uninstall any connectors, (b) install the hotfix on a local copy of CF on your own machine, (c), copy the whole thing to the server, and (d) reinstall connectors. There really isn't much connection between CF and the rest of the OS, which is why you can have things like CF Express (if that's still around).

Dave Watts, Fig Leaf Software

Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC





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Sep 18, 2018 Sep 18, 2018

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Ben (Krelek1000), I still don’t know what to make of your problem (solely by way of what’s shared on the forums here), but I will note that someone had a somewhat similar problem in the past:


There are surprisingly only a few hits in google about:

coldfusion update "Cancelled during pre-install"

Curiously, there was a forum thread about the same issue in CF7(!):


While the last message in the thread referred a blog post from Nick Watson that no longer exists (not even in the internet wayback machine), I will note that the commenter referred to the problem being solved with silent install properties. While there are indeed resources about silent install of CF itself, I am not finding any readily about the CF updater mechanism.

Finally, FWIW, there have been blog posts in the past about permissions issues with the updates (though these were more about the installer not being able to stop services, which I gather is not your problem):



Don’t know if anything there will help, but I thought I’d share what thoughts came to mind.


/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Sep 19, 2018 Sep 19, 2018

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Charlie, thank you for the information.  I was able to resolve this issue using the command line functionality.  I will update the post with the information I gathered.





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Sep 19, 2018 Sep 19, 2018

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Ok, I was able to completely resolve this by using the command line flag -i console...

so the full command line was something like this: <Java_Home>\bin\java.exe -jar <CF_HOME>\cfusion\hf-updates\<update_1.jar> -i console

It prompted me in the commandline console to accept the license and asked for the path to the installation.

I dont know why the GUI was failing but I have a couple theories.

Theory 1

During the GUI, the update failed during its attempt to stop each service.  Past update logs to CF11 shows the GUI stops the server, add-on, .NET, and then the ODBC server/agent service before installation.  In the CF2018 update 1 log, it fails immediately after stopping the server.  The difference between our CF11 and CF2018 is we do not have the .NET service installed.  So theory 1, the GUI attempts to stop that .NET service even though it doesnt exist and fails when it couldnt find it.  Shows the error and stops work.

     Only way to replicate this is to install a fresh CF2018 with all services, run update 1 hotfix to see if it works.  If so, uninstall CF2018, install without the .NET addin service (uncheck the option during installation) and then run update 1 hotfix to see if it works.

Theory 2

After update 1 installed successfully, I noticed that a new folder was created on the C:\ drive that matched our ColdFusion installation folder name.  Our CF2018 exists on another drive letter however.  It could be the GUI was attempting to write to our C:\ drive which we dont normally have access to because that is the System OS drive only.  So could be a read/write issue on the C:\ drive that cause it to fail as well.

Once I have our developers finished testing and if CF2018 is approved for implementation, I will test out each theory to see what is the cause.

Thank you everyone for suggestions on this.

Ben Compton





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Sep 19, 2018 Sep 19, 2018

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Ben, that’s indeed interesting. So first, yep, it does try to stop those services (but no, I’ve never known it to fail because a service it’s trying to stop doesn’t exist). More on that in a moment.

Second, you wonder if it’s a permissions issue on the system drive. But recall my first question was whether you ran “as admin”, and you said you did. So in running “as admin”, it should have been able to access the drive. To be clear, you could have been running as a user that “is an admin”, but that’s not the same as running the cmd line “as admin”.

FWIW, I had offered a way to confirm it (the net session command), and you said it “did come back with my elevated account”. Well, actually, the command doesn’t return info about your account but about connections to computers. It’s an innocuous command, whose output doesn’t really matter. But my point was to make sure it did not report an error. I gather you are saying it did not (but if you maybe didn’t really try it, then perhaps you were NOT running as admin).

But maybe you’ll find that you have some other additional security whereby even “running as admin” did not give you access to that system folder.

Finally, about the services, I will note that I have blogged about the many kind of problems that typically hamper the update working, including if the services do not stop. I offer tips for that, here:


I’m sharing that more for other readers. I realize you may feel you’ve gotten where you need to and shared what you could.


/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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