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Hello Team,
I stepped through CF2021 installation and per log and status looks to have been installed successfully.
When I try to continue keep saying Configuring Server click link to refresh.
I took default port 8500, not sure if this has anything to do? I am installing Windows 2019 Server.
attaching SS. Any ideas on what to check. All CF windows services running fine.
Configuration and Settings Migration Wizard
ColdFusion has been successfully installed. This wizard will guideyou through the remaining server configuration steps and, if applicable,migrate settings from a previous version of ColdFusion.
To guarantee the security of your server, please enter your ColdFusion Administrator password.
Figured it out. Once added 127.0.0.. to trusted sites in IE, relaunched. Completed installation.
I am in. ty Charlie as always
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Jose, to be clear, no, this shouldn't be happening. And I doubt it has anything to do with the port chosen (that's the default, 8500).
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txs for response Charlie. This is brand new 2019 Server with no previous CF on it.
I used the GUI and checked install log and looks clean.
ColdFusion_2021_GUI_WWEJ_win64 took our S/N for Dev no issues on install.
Installation: Successful.
2835 Successes
0 Warnings
0 NonFatalErrors
0 FatalErrors
will spot check other logs see what i can find. I was planning on doing a "manual" migration when ready.
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got this from server log
"Error","Thread-32","09/15/21","12:03:19","","Read timed out"
coldfusion=out log
Sep 15, 2021 11:41:58 AM Error [main] - The activation status is invalid.
nothing migration so far.
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From Taskmanager on Server i can see CF Launch anywhere 32 running ColdFusion 2021 Add-on Service,
not sure if this is what CF Admin is working on using. I not sure if safe to restart server close window etc at tihs point.
txs jose
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Figured it out. Once added 127.0.0.. to trusted sites in IE, relaunched. Completed installation.
I am in. ty Charlie as always
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Apologies Team for extra posts. Was getting a error on original post and did not know acutally got posted.