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ColdFusion 2021 on Centos 7.9 doesn't install Apache connector

Community Beginner ,
Jul 27, 2021 Jul 27, 2021

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Recently deployed ColdFusion 2021 on Centos 7.9.  Also downloaded and installe the hotfix.  I soon discovered wsconfig would not run and I found the articles about downloading a new wsconfig.jar  With the new jar installed wsconfig will run but now complains that "Coldfusion could not locate the connector for this configuration.  Refer to documentation for suppported web server for you OS."

The detected Apache version is 2.4.6 and I do see mod_jk24.so in the jar file.  Am I missing something?  







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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Hi Dan,


Apache version which you mentioned is supported. I don't see a reason it is not working. Let me check if I have the CentOS7.9. 
Can you please share the source where you downloaded the wsconfig.jar, also let me know the update level you have now?


Priyank Shrivastava





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Hi Dan,


I tested this in CentOS7.9 and Apache 2.4.6 and it worked. Here is what I followed.


1. Installed Apache

2. Installer CF2021

3. Installer CF2021 update 1

4. Ran the connector command - ./wsconfig -ws Apache -bin /usr/sbin/httpd -script /usr/sbin/apachectl -dir /etc/httpd/conf/ -v

[root@xxxxxxxxx bin]# ./wsconfig -ws Apache -bin /usr/sbin/httpd -script /usr/sbin/apachectl -dir /etc/httpd/conf/ -v
command line: -ws Apache -bin /usr/sbin/httpd -script /usr/sbin/apachectl -dir /etc/httpd/conf/ -v
Using Apache binary /usr/sbin/httpd
Server version: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS)
Assuming Apache has been configured for DSO support since it can't be determined.
Parsing Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Using Apache control script /usr/sbin/apachectl
Exec'ing chmod 777 /opt/ColdFusion2021/config/wsconfig/1
Set permission to 777 on /opt/ColdFusion2021/config/wsconfig/1
Exec'ing chmod +x /etc/httpd/conf/mod_jk.so
Set permission to execute on /etc/httpd/conf/mod_jk.so
Created file /etc/httpd/conf/mod_jk.so
Wrote file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Added ColdFusion configuration to Apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Created file /opt/ColdFusion2021/config/wsconfig/1/README
Wrote file /opt/ColdFusion2021/config/wsconfig/wsconfig.properties
Exec'ing /usr/sbin/apachectl restart
Restarted Apache server

5. It ran without any error.

6. When I executed the CFM page, it gave me 503 service unavailable error which I resolved from this article : https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/coldfusion-2018-update-8.html. This is for CF2018 however, it is relevant for CF2021 as well. After adding the "Address=""xxx" in server.xml. I am able to render the CFM page.



Priyank Shrivastava





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Thanks for checking this out.  I suspect the wsconfig.jar I downloaded may be the culprit then.  Where may I get the "fixed" version of wsconfig?



Dan Mather





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Adobe Employee ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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Hi Dan,


Please update the server to update 1 and then run the wsconfig. You don't need any other wsconfig. There was an issue with IIS not with Apache. 


Priyank Shrivastava





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Community Beginner ,
Jul 28, 2021 Jul 28, 2021

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The original install failed to run wsconfig -which apparently was a known issue.  After reading the forums it seemed that Update-1 would include the wsconfig fix so I have already installed Update-1.  I had the same error and examining the update I don't see a replacment for wsconfig there.  I then downloaded the wsconfig.jar from the article here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/coldfusion/cf2021-wsconfig-nullpointerexception/m-p/11615049 Charlie refrred to a tracker article (which you also commented on  https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4210996 ) where the "fixed" wsconfig was revealed as being at: http://cfdownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/coldfusion/PR/cf2021gm/connector_patch/wsconfig.jar 

So, the original wsconfig had a null pointer exception, Update-1 did not fix that. The patched wsconfig still generates an error.  Do I just need to start over?



Dan Mather






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New Here ,
Jan 11, 2023 Jan 11, 2023

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Hi! Here are a few more tips if anyone else is confused:
First, make sure that you have the correct version of the Apache connector installed. According to the Adobe documentation, ColdFusion 2021 supports Apache 2.4.39 and later. If you're running an older version, you may need to upgrade your Apache installation.
Additionally, make sure that mod_jk24.so is properly configured and loaded in your Apache configuration. This can typically be done by adding a LoadModule directive in your httpd.conf file.
It's also worth noting that while Centos 7.9 is currently in the Extended Support phase, you may encounter compatibility issues with newer software like ColdFusion 2021. Consider upgrading to a more recent version of Centos for better support.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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I'll share a different tip, as long as you're resurrecting this older thread. In the original post, the OP didn't indicate whether and what they set for the -dir argument of the wsconfig command. That's where the connector tool would try to a) PLACE the mod_jk.so file and then b) write the updated httpd.conf file (as you can see in the info above from Priyank, showing "Created file /etc/httpd/conf/mod_jk.so" and then "Wrote file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"). 


If somehow the user running this tool does not have the authority to write to that named folder (in his case, /etc/httpd/conf), then this step would fail which would seem to lead to that error ("Coldfusion could not locate the connector for this configuration") .


I bring this up also because the only other reference on the web (that I could find) for that error message is another forum thread here. And we can see in their verbose (-v) command output, the last step that worked before their getting that error is what's indicated above (from Priyank), where then the next steps were about that creating/chmod'ing of that modjk.so and updating of the httpd.conf.


And FWIW in that other post they don't show setting ANY -dir argument. While the docs on the tool indicate it's optional, they don't say what it defaults to, either. It's of course critical to know WHERE the tool would be trying to place the modjk.so and trying to update the httpd.conf, for all this to work right.


Again, I bring all this up in case you or anyone may find this thread while searching for more on that error. It seems worth making sure first WHAT is the -dir value and second ensuring that the user running wsconfig has authority to write to that folder.


Indeed, I note finally that neither this thread or the other or the docs page shows using sudo (or su) to run the wsconfig. That could be another way to ensure you have right authority to that folder.


Hope that's helpful.  Apologies to others already participating in this thread if this proves not to apply somehow to your situation.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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