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They dropped a servder upgrade on me and now (after a little more than 10 years) this code doesn't work. Any ideas what I can change it to?
#dateformat(News_Date, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')#
HELP! Please,
And thank you.
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What version of ColdFusion are you now running? What is the exact error you are getting?
I just ran this on CFFiddle and it runs fine.
<cfset News_Date = now()>
#dateformat(News_Date, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')#
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They offer fabulous error reporting...
The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error.
Please contact the website administrator.
You can see it in action here:
Northwest Association of Slot Track Enthusiasts : Results (
I'm awaiting info on what version they are running.
Thank you very much.
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A page will load without error with that line commented out:
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Have you verified that #News_Date# is what you expect it to be?
You could wrap the offending line of code in a CFTRY and email yourself the full error so you don't have to wait on the host.
#dateFormat(News_Date,'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')#
<cfcatch type="any">
<cfmail to="" from="" subject="Error MEssage" typ="html">
<cfdump var="#News_Date#">
<cfdump var="#cfcatch#">
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The site has been perfectly stable for more than 10 years with that code on multiple pages.
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They made a change see this link:
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So this is a server fix rather than a code change?
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Yes, it's a server change.
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC
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Well, you're not using a capital D as in the article. Have you tried using a different mask? Verified the #News_Date#?
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Are you suggesting this:
#dateformat(News_Date, 'DDDD mmmm DD, yyyy')#
How many capital D's?
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Wasn't suggesting that, no. Just pointing out the tech note seemed to talk about using capital D whereas you were not using that.
What I was suggesting is that you try a different mask just to see if it works. And, still no word on verifying the #news_date#. It's possible you may have a malformed date in your data?
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No, it's not possible. The site has a very active calendar that has been in operation for more than 10 years. The change happened as soon as they moved the site to a new server.
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did you apply the update in the link i provided?
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It's not my server, I sent them the info.
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They dropped a servder upgrade on me and now (after a little more than 10 years) this code doesn't work. Any ideas what I can change it to?
#dateformat(News_Date, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')#
By @Monte28993316xw9z
Yes, here is an idea. Locate the line of code that contains
dateformat(News_Date, 'dddd mmmm dd, yyyy')
Add the following validation code just before that line:
<cfset newsDateAsString=toString(News_Date)>
<cfif isDate(News_Date)>
<cfset News_Date=parseDateTime(newsDateAsString)>
<cflog file="News_Date_Check" text="The value of the 'News_Date' variable is currently '#newsDateAsString#', which does not represent a valid date. Location: #getTemplatePath()#" type="error">
Sorry, error. The error has been logged. We're working on it.
If there is a wrong value for date, an error will be logged in News_Date_Check.log
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they changed the way the DD or dd is ready its day in the year ( vs what it was i believe). he needs to patch the server or come up with another way to code that output not using CF. Everything is in the link I posted.
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@rickmaz , "dd" was used, instead of "DD", as @sdsinc_pmascari said. So I wonder whether patching the server is relevant. In any case, @Monte28993316xw9z mentioned being on CF10.
@Monte28993316xw9z , are you really on CF10? Run the following as a test CFM page. What does it give you?
My ColdFusion version: <cfoutput>#server.coldfusion.productversion#</cfoutput>
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@Monte28993316xw9z , did you do the validation test I suggested?
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I, too, asked about the possibility of an invalid date coming through and, instead of validating, you simply said it was impossible because nothing had changed (famous last words). @BKBK is now also asking you to validate the dates and I don't see that you've done that? Why not? Even if you think it's impossible, humor us. Otherwise, it's "impossible" to eliminate that as the potential issue.
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It sure would be nice to know exactly what was different with the server implementation.
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC