Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 25, 2025
06:43 AM
can anyone even figure out how much the standard edition costs? all i see is 8 core enterprise which i dont need for 2400 a year.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
06:40 AM
well i dont upgrade my coldfusion every year. Certainly not going to pay for a yearly license. I will be looking for alternative after 20 years. Adobe killed Premiere (its dead they just havent figured it out yet) by this pricing model.
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‎Dec 13, 2024
05:14 AM
ill likely switch from adobe and coldfusion sadly due to the cfmx_compat issue. I have so many tables and passwords and other things that use this and to re create everything with new algos and stuff is just a waste and pain. I see not making it default unless you have the flag or force it but to just remove it all together is simply not necessary.
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‎Dec 03, 2024
05:32 AM
Does anyone know how we update the beta when updates come out? do they show up as updates (likely not) are we alerted when new builds come out? do we have to re-install the new build?
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‎Nov 15, 2024
05:46 AM
While reviewing the technotes for Update 16, I noticed a mention about keeping the JDK updated. I understand that ColdFusion supports Java 11, and according to the ColdFusion documentation, it supports versions up to 11.0.25. Currently, I am running Java 11.0.11. My questions are: Is there a need to upgrade to a newer version of the JDK? Has anyone encountered any significant issues or challenges during the upgrade process? Additionally, if I install the new JDK using the .exe file, can I simply update the path to the /jre folder in the ColdFusion Administrator, restart the server, and test the changes? If there are any issues, would it be possible to revert to the previous version without complications?
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‎Nov 15, 2024
05:41 AM
Thank you very much fo this. I will try that. And is there any way to know like in CF admin or anything after i put that .jar in lib/updates and restart if it actually took the patch?
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‎Nov 14, 2024
08:21 AM
I recently installed Update 12 and the log patch, and I was able to see the logs and fix most issues. Although there were a few outstanding items, I planned to revisit them later. After updating to 13, the code appeared to work fine, and now, with Update 14, everything seems good overall. However, I’ve noticed that the unscoped log has disappeared. I’m certain I had it installed before. My JVM arguments are the same, but there’s no evidence of the patch. I still have it in my downloads folder, and I’m sure it was installed. How can I verify if the patch is still active? It’s possible my code is fixed and just not logging issues, but I would expect some indication that the patch is present. I want to avoid assuming everything is resolved only to have problems resurface later. Could you assist with this?
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‎Nov 14, 2024
05:52 AM
Thank you!
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‎Nov 14, 2024
05:52 AM
Thank you very much and no i dont mind the text correction. I was in a hurry to post. Thanks for your answer also.
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‎Nov 13, 2024
03:34 PM
I just updated to update 14 and i know per the tech doc:
they replaced cfmx_compat algorithm as the default. They say to use a flag, which i did as i need things to stay the same until i update my code.
Here is my question. They indicate the flag will be available until next version after CF2023. Fine. They seem to indicate the jvm flag will go away and no matter what the default will not be cfmx_compat anymore. But they indicate higher up in the doc that cfmx_compat is not going away, just its not the default--meaning we can still use it if we specify it.
My question is about after CF2023: the way this is written, is it just the flag going away or will the entire algo leave also?
If all that is happening is they are changing the default algo (even after 2023 thats okay). My fear is if they remove it all together that will be problematic for me. If they keep it but I have to change my code off the default and specify it, i can do that and not have to make any database changes. Otherwise it's going to be a major headache. How do you'all read it?
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‎Oct 15, 2024
09:06 AM
i just upgraded from 11 to 12 on CF2021 and had this same issue. Except i must have had the files? My admin would not load and i got the same message. What scared me was some of my application pages were loading and others were giving error. I did run the cfpm.bat and reinstalled the administrator and now i have admin and those errors seems to not be happening anymore. If anyone can chime in, espeically for others in the future that may see this one what may have happened it woudl be great. I get scared with these updates. People say its not a big deal but i am mandated to do one at a time now and let that update run for a few weeks and then do the next. I am fine with that it ust seems weird i updated from update 1 to 11 with no issues now i go to 12 and it breaks my app and admin is gone? Kind of sloppy if you ask me.
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‎Sep 25, 2024
12:57 PM
I am on 2021 update 10 i see they now have 16. My question is that i have been reading some of these posts and it seems a few of these updates are doozies, meaning really things i need to watch out for and test my code with beforehand? Is there any easy document that will tell you or where to look for each one that would clearly explain? i know one of them deals with some patch you can put a few versions early and check log file to make sure your coding is okay? anything else major? Adobe has got me scared to update anything now and when i do should i do one patch at a time? Been with CF since 4.0 and i am not sure if its age or whatever but these updates seem to be getting scarier and sloppier or over the years.
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‎Apr 19, 2024
01:42 PM
Thank you 3rd option wins 🙂
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‎Apr 17, 2024
03:22 PM
And one more issue -- ingoing through my servers i have a client that has a shopping cart. He bought it a long time ago but the admin area folders to access the admin use application.cfm however since he did not purchase the unencrypted version there is some sort of encryption when i try to view the code? so is there any way for me to put the searchimplicitscopes=true in there? if not what are my options? i assume use JVM flag but if so how long will that be good for? Please advise.
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‎Apr 17, 2024
02:58 PM
So again confused i installed the page i am on 2021 update 12 now i do see unscoped.log for example one line xxxxxxxxxxx\transaction.cfm:PAGE,scope:FormScope so what exactly does this mean? no line item of the error? how would i even know where to look this code was not written by me and there are tons of lines in it.
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‎Apr 01, 2024
05:53 AM
Gosh Adobe just messed this whole thing up. So complicated and never had to be. Now i am totally confused. To be clear, can someone please verify i have the right informatoin. 1. UP until version 13 the default for searchimplicitscopes was TRUE? 2. once you apply 13 it flips to false as default so if there was nothing set in jvm or application stuff could break. 3. I i add the variable to application and set it to TRUE and upgrade to 13 my stuff should work exactly as needed and as before ? 4. This new patch confused me but i think i understand now. If i am on update 12 in 2021 they say set variable to true in application and install and view the logs. But isn't it already true by default? if someone had it set to false wouldn't their stuff already break? is the patch just to see what errors would happen in 13 if you do not set variable to TRUE? i just don't see the reason in their instructions if i am on 12 to set things to true. I am doing that anyway because that is how it needs to be for 13? just so confusing
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‎Nov 22, 2023
12:34 PM
I'll second Charlie's response. Unless the codes or feature causing the bug was something new to CF2021 then likely it existed and maybe for awhile now (some years) but was just exploited or discovered. Of course, the reason they do not address 2018 is because it is out of warranty.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:51 AM
1 Upvote
Mine has happened for that reason on occasion but with much bigger lists than 300 but it has also happened due to the mail server being unavailable or overworked and other reasons. And you are correct, network issues don't happen enough to really be able to diagnose them as it is so infrequent. I don't have a major problem with this but it has happened where months have gone by and then I look and there are several in there from random times i resend them and it works but those people never got their mail. Obviously, if a few resends are retried and they keep failing then there is another issue. Yes if the mail server is rejecting it for some other reason that needs to be looked into of course. Our actual main server has throttling on its end to slow down the delivery to places like gmail.com and others that don't like bulk but yes everyone's environment is different. I was just offering one option to consider but you are right without knowing all the endpoints and how they are configured one can not offer a simple one-stop-shop solution without deeper digging.
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‎Nov 17, 2023
07:49 AM
We have had that problem for the reasons you mentioned but also just random reasons like your mail server was blipping or being rebooted or under maintenance at the time you were sending mail. Whatever, they sit in the undeliverable folder, and if you don't manually check you have no idea. So what we did was the following: 1. Since most issues will be resolved in our application and experience by simply resending we have code that checks the folder and sees if anything is in there first like every 2 hours. If it does we will move it back to the spool folder (via cf code). If at the end of the day or whenver there is still mail in there then something keeps failing and this could be for many reasons so we want to inspect. 2. So at the end of the day we run another cf script that alerts us only if there is anything in folder, outputs the email content so we can see what the issue may be, and can either fix it and save (all through cf code) or we can retry the entire spool or delete the message if it was just something that was a bad email or not needing to be sent. So we basically never have to log in to the cf server and it has worked out fairly well.
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‎Sep 29, 2023
05:38 AM
be aware i dont think that CF2023 is supported on Win2012 anymore. The OS itself is is going out of date in less than a few weeks - no more security updates or anything.
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‎Sep 28, 2023
07:35 AM
is your mail server on the same machine as the CF server?
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‎Sep 28, 2023
05:33 AM
of course you can upgrade however id strongly suggest that if your code was written for CF10 that you put a staging server up first and put all your code on CF2023 and completely test end to end. You will likely have some changes in the code to make (maybe a little more) but that way your code will be ready and then you can do your upgrade. Of course, that assumes you wanted to upgrade on the same machine in place. If you are putting up new hardware anyway yes just test, as I've said you may have to update some code. Also, it depends on the OS you are using and the version. You don't mention what OS you are planning to install the CF2023 on.
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‎Sep 12, 2023
12:57 PM
I am curring running cf 2021, lockdown tool and performance monitoring I now want to upgrade to 2023 and keep all my settings and it looks a bit scary. Can anyone recommend the best path forward? Do I need to uninstall the 2021 lockdown and pef mon tools as there are 2023 versions of them? will they update along with the core cf install/ And what about migrating all settings? They show multiple ways so just trying to figure out what works the best. I figure they would give you the option to just migrate everything from the old. Any advice in advance would be great.
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‎Sep 09, 2023
09:52 AM
You said you are using CF10. May I ask what Java version are you using? because I believe CF10 shipped with Java 6 and that will not support tls 1.2 I believe v7 was the first that supported tls 1.2 and java 8 which is the highest you can go on CF10 has tls 1.2 as default. So if you are still running Java 6 on your CF10 install that likely would have to be upgraded. As a side note, you will also start running into problems in the future with the Windows Server 2012 as it will not support tls 1.3. Another important note to be mindful of. Just because you have tls 1.2 there are other issues in that there are many ciphers included in each tls version. So as the companies you are connecting to via cfmail or cfhttp start upgrading they may start refusing your connections. Most will give advanced notice of this but it is hard, especially if you have a ton of servers to start upgrading both Windows and CF at the same time. There are code changes required in some cases to your application between CF10 and the newest CF. So not only are up upgrading Windows but the app server as well and potentially many coding changes to make it all work correctly. In the short term, you can likely get it going but just going to keep it in mind for the future so you don't get caught off guard.
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‎Aug 26, 2023
02:35 PM
they changed the way the DD or dd is ready its day in the year ( vs what it was i believe). he needs to patch the server or come up with another way to code that output not using CF. Everything is in the link I posted.
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‎Aug 21, 2023
01:13 PM
did you apply the update in the link i provided?
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‎Aug 21, 2023
08:51 AM
They made a change see this link: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/dateformat-function-coldfusion-2021.html
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‎Aug 18, 2023
07:18 AM
Okay in the interest of me understanding better and helping the community i found out what is going on using your cfdump basically your right on the server level it was fixed - BUT in my application.cfm file you MUST have an empty <cfapplication> tag so the server will not default to false just by putting code for such. the code MUST be in a folder with a a <cfapplication> tag you do not need to have the sameFormFieldsAsArray="false"> it will default to false if the tag is there but without it it fails.
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‎Aug 18, 2023
05:55 AM
so on CF page it says update 9: Build Number: 2021,0,9,330148 Update 10 Build Number: 2021,0,10,330161 mine is showing 2021.0.09.330161 so like a combination of both I did check your doc you linked to and i did run it from command line and stopped CF service first and it ran like a champ thanks!
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‎Aug 17, 2023
09:00 AM
can anyone version the version i should be on after upgrading 2021 to 10? mine is showing 2021.0.09.330148 in the admin but in the /updates folder the 10 jar is there i did it from the admin
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