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Docker container failed to run Coldfusion 2021 in MacOS Sonoma

Community Beginner ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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I am not able to run my project in docker container after upgrading to MacOS Sonoma in Macbook M1 Pro. First I thought I have some issue in my Dockerfile. So tried with a default blank command 


docker run -dt -p 8500:8500 -e acceptEULA=YES -e password=ColdFusion123 -e enableSecureProfile=true adobecoldfusion/coldfusion2021:latest


Still not able to run ColdFusion, so attached some log files. Please help me out.

Advanced techniques , Server administration




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Community Expert ,
Oct 14, 2023 Oct 14, 2023

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Sushovan, I don't think it's necessarily significant that you're error happens BECAUSE you're running in a container. Did you notice first that Cf was running for 5 minutes before the crash? Can you confirm if you were able to run ANY requests during that time? How about the cf admin? 


Further, the "pid" log shows the failure was during compilation. As such, I'd suspect it's as likely that some particular request was the cause.


It would of course be helpful to know what request was running, but cf doesn't log those by default. (That can be enabled by modifying the Tomcat config. There's no cf admin feature to enable it.) If you may be implementing a web server in front of the cf container, that would have access logs. Are you? Do you see the requests? Sadly, that may not log a request that never completes.


You can also configure a cf container to use fusionreactor (including its free trial). I show to do the latter in my "awesome cf compose" GitHub repo. Its request log tracks both the start and stop of cf requests. 


Or were you running the request when it crashed? Was it one you'd not run in the container to that point, perhaps?


Then again you say this happens since updating to Sonoma. While cf doesn't support that yet, your container is not itself running in Sonoma, or macos at all. 


Indeed, some may question how Sushovan could be running a cf container on an m1 (arm) Mac, when Adobe does not yet offer arm images. I could see from one of the logs that the "host" is identified as "Host: x86_64, 10 cores, 7G, Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS". My guess is that Sushovan is running Docker Desktop for Mac, which I know implements a Linux VM for running containers. I just didn't know it would/could be implemented as an x86_64 platform. Any clarification there, Sushovan?


Anyway, can you confirm also if you're saying this same machine and same docker implementation was running all this before you updated to Sonoma? And do you even know for sure if your docker version/implementation supports it? (To be clear, I  doubt cf itself will for many months.) 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 15, 2023 Oct 15, 2023

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Hi Charlie,

First of all sorry for my late response. Here are the answers of your question or suggestion.


My code was absolutly running in my MacOS M1 Pro with Ventura OS (v13.x). But it stopped working after the update of MacOS Sonoma (v14.0).


Then I tried to run a clear image of coldfusion to see if it is working or not. But saw the failure there as well. I had given the logs from clean image running only. So there is no custom code from my end. I tried with OrbStack (v1.0) also, that failed to start as well.


Lastly, I updated the OrbStack to Version 1.0.1. Seems it is almost okay now. Here, I noticed one small issue regarding install modules. I am investigating if it's a real issue or not. Docker Desktop still failed to run the default Coldfusion docker image.


Maybe some x86 based programs are in the Coldfusion docker image which was giving trouble.


Thanks again for replying Charlie. Will post any issue if I face related to running docker image, if I found.






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Community Expert ,
Oct 16, 2023 Oct 16, 2023

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I understood you were running a base ("clear") image. Still, you assert that the cf container "failed to start", but the logs show clearly it does. See the "coldfusion started," line in the coldfusion-out.log. Then the hs_err log happens 5 mins later. 


So the point of most of my first few paragraphs was to understand what happened when it did crash. Can you please re-read and respond to that?


That said, you do start here referring to how "my code" stopped working, but then you say "there is no custom code". I'm simply asking if ANY request is triggering the failure, whether to your own code or the cf admin. That may be important to know. 


And now you mention running both docker desktop and orbstack, which is interesting. We're you running both before? They're independent, and I don't know if there's any problem running both. Are you saying you were running both before, and cf was running in each before? 


If you feel the "yes, same problem happens in orbstack", please make sure at least that the errors are indeed the same. (Then consider also what I said at first about requests.) 


If you would still conclude, "yes, and running cf containers as I did either way is now broken in Sonoma. What needs to be done to fix it?". I doubt anyone will have that answer based solely on what you've presented so far, though I could be wrong. I can say I've not heard anyone else raise this. 


And this could be an issue where cf is a victim of a problem instead in dd or orbstack, and THEIR having teething pains with the new OS. This happens with new OS's pretty much every release, with most software (again, cf itself does not yet even support it at all). 


Bur again, the container is not running in Sonoma. It's running on Linux, as made clear in the logs you shared. And if that was the logs for the container running in dd (or it's the "same" error), make sure that dd is updated for Sonoma.


As for your wondering if there are x_86 elements to the cf images, again they ARE NOT arm. They are indeed x86/Intel. And your logs showed that's what was the format of the Ubuntu x86_x64 "host" running the container.  I know it's a lot to keep straight. 🙂 


Finally, you apologize for a delay in responding, but you wrote the day after I did. This isn't slack (thankfully): no one should expect anyone else here to respond with any immediacy. 🙂 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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Latest update: Docker Desktop is also able to build and run my CF code after updating to MacOS Sonoma 14.1




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Community Expert ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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So you're saying the problem has been resolved by an update to docker desktop? If so, great. That's a key point I was getting it, in both my replies. 


If somehow your problem remains, please consider my last extended reply. 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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Community Beginner ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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Hi Charlie, 

I have updated my MacOS version from 14.0 to 14.1, and that resolved the problem.





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