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In an api that I add to my application (payment platform), I have to convert a Json object to Base64. When I use the ToBase64 function. I have this error message. Can anybody help me. Thanks in advance. Cordially,
<cfset card_firstname = "Jeremy">
<cfset dataDirectory = getDirectoryFromPath(
) />
<!--- Create a basic ColdFusion object. --->
<cfset test = {
"firstName":"#card_firstname#", "lastName":"Grimm", "addressLine1":"3 rue de l'église", "city":"Ostheim", "postalCode":"68150", "country":"FR"
}, "shipping":{
"firstName":"Jérémy", "lastName":"Grimm", "addressLine1":"3 rue de l'église", "city":"Ostheim", "postalCode":"68150", "country":"FR", "email":"", "phone":"+33-612345678", "shipIndicator":"billing_address", "deliveryTimeframe":"two_day", "firstUseDate":"2017-01-25", "matchBillingAddress":true
}, "client":{
"email":"", "phone":"+33-612345678", "birthCity":"Colmar", "birthPostalCode":"68000", "birthCountry":"FR", "birthdate":"1987-03-27"
} } />
<cfset fileWrite(
serializeJSON( test )
) />
<cfset testFromJSON = deserializeJSON(
fileRead( "#dataDirectory#data.json" )
) />
<cfset test64=ToBase64(testFromJSON) />
Why are you deserializing your file read? Don't do that and your code will succeed.
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Why are you deserializing your file read? Don't do that and your code will succeed.
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EddieLotter has answered your question. I wish to point out something else.
Perhaps the name testFromJSON led to the confusion. That is not a JSON, but a struct.
If you did actually need a Base64 string for whatever reason, as hinted by your title, then you could have proceeded as follows:
<!--- Get the JSON string from the test struct --->
<cfset testJSON = serializeJSON( test ) />
<!--- Write the JSON string to file --->
<cfset fileWrite( "#dataDirectory#data.json", testJSON) />
You may read from the file.
But it seems unnecessary: you already have the JSON.
It also carries a risk, as I'll show in a moment.
<cfset testJSONFromFile = fileRead( "#dataDirectory#data.json" ) />
<cfset testFromJSON = deserializeJSON( testJSONFromFile ) />
<!--- Get the Base64 representation of the JSON string --->
<cfset test64 = ToBase64( testJSON ) />
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<!--- Write to file --->
<cfset fileWrite( "#dataDirectory#data.json", testJSON) />
<!--- Read from the file --->
<cfset testJSONFromFile = fileRead( "#dataDirectory#data.json" ) />
This kind of code - a write immediately followed by a read - can be a problem. While one process is writing the file, a second process might attempt to read it. Or vice versa.
A common way to prevent such race conditions is to use a lock. For example:
<!--- Write to file --->
<cflock timeout="10" name="JSONFileLock789">
<cfset fileWrite( "#dataDirectory#data.json", testJSON) />
<!--- Read from the file --->
<cflock timeout="10" name="JSONFileLock789">
<cfset testJSONFromFile = fileRead( "#dataDirectory#data.json" ) />