>Sure, CF is one of the
> rarest technologies, which of course leads to many
Sadly, adoption being the critical one these many things.
>The current situation and what I've seen proves
> that CF is not being considered by the Java/J2EE people
as an alternative.
Sadly, many of this crowd consider coldfsuion to be a toy and
something for
those who are afraid of programming! Its definitely got that
reputation about it - this is of course by design.
>Most people still have NOT realised that
CFMX7 is something totally different from CF5.
Well, thats because its not totally different. It has a few
more features
and is now built in java, but it essentially still cfml. I
think 'totally'
was going a bit far, but do see what you mean as in "new
potential" for
java chaps.
>Yeah, the J2EE app has its user interface of its own, but
oh my god.
Okay, I hear you, but do you think the j2ee folk look at jsp
and think "oh
my god" - no, they look at cfml adn go "oh my god". Makes
sense, j2ee folk
would feel right at home with jsp. It woudl take a hell of a
lot to make
them switch to cfml for the UI.
>> I see also many reasons to integrate complex J2EE
apps and ColdFusion
from the
very start.
Yes, if you had access to a large talent pool of cfml coders
you could
depend on. Sadly, one reason cf is not so popular is that
managers know that
there just isn't the availability of cf developers. I have
seen companies
refuse to evaluate cf for many reasons - the biggest would
have to be that
they know (or think) that there just isn't a large amount of
around to draw upon. One story I heard was of a company that
had a go at
hiring cf developers and abandoned all hope after realising
that the vast
majority of interviwees were really web designers with very
little clue
about building serious web applications - again, a reflection
of the market
to which cf appeals.
cf is nice and easy, so suit small to medium sized jobs.
However, it is
priced for selling to large companies. This leaves it in a
position where it
will never win popularity contests - luckily, that doesn't
really matter
does it.
"Fernis" <webforumsuser@macromedia.com> wrote in
> Sloane,
> >>CF would be the perfect companion/addition to
many frameworks which are
> based
> >But its not - hardly anybody goes for j2ee thinking,
lets scrap the jsp
> >of j2ee, and all the other great j2ee frameworks,
and replace it with
> >coldfusion. Why woudl they - why write in java for
one portion and tehn
> >suddenly switch to cfml for the other? Especially as
the team are likely
> >java developers anyway!
> You're absolutely right. I forgot to say, it always
takes a CF developer
> inside a project to show off how much more efficiently
many things can be
> accomplished, to sell the idea. The current situation
and what I've seen
> that CF is not being considered by the Java/J2EE people
as an alternative.
> That's why the CF user base would have to go up
significantly, increasing
> chances for this to happen.
> >>That's maybe why they're using their PROPRIETARY
> >Coldfusion is 'PROPRIETARY' and the least open of
all these web
> I didn't claim otherwise. I was just pointing out that
few of the
> are universally compatible with everything.
> >technologies. Especially with respect to how much
third party support
> tools it has.
> I'd value the amount of Java libraries quite high. Sure,
CF is one of the
> rarest technologies, which of course leads to many
things. That still
> make it a bad choice by my standards. Adobe/MM has
probably realised this
> still NOT only a popularity contest. Most people still
have NOT realised
> CFMX7 is something totally different from CF5.
> >>>You know the saying "Jack of all trades,
master of none."? I
> >You are a bit confused here. JSP is not 'jack of all
trades' - J2EE is
> either.
> Well, AceOfBase-troll claimed that, not I. My point was
only that CF is
> purpose-built just as he said, and it really shows. CFMX
7 Enterprise has
> gateways, but since it's outrageously priced, and the
Professional Edition
> doesn't have those, we can't still say ColdFusion
wouldn't be Web-Only.
> but true.
> >have a dedicated asp.net portion. Generally, you
dont choose j2ee or
> >and then abandon their dedicated web portion for
coldfusion - way too
> >disadvantages in doing so.
> I disagree, and I've got real-life experience on this.
J2EE apps can for
> example have an API, which can then be invoked by
ColdFusion that provides
> user interface. Yeah, the J2EE app has its user
interface of its own, but
> oh my god. And if you think all J2EE programmers are
designers... oh
> my god again.
> I see also many reasons to integrate complex J2EE apps
and ColdFusion
from the
> very start.