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HomeSite crashing on Windows 8

Community Beginner ,
Nov 19, 2013 Nov 19, 2013

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Earlier I had HomeSite 5.5 installed on Windows 7 and everything worked fine, until I upgraded to Windows 8, and now, about every 20 minutes or so, it throws up this error message before it crashes:

HomeSite has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

Then if I click debug, it says:

An unhandled Win 32 exception occurred in HomeSite+.exe [8064]

The error number differs each time. I can't debug because I don't have Visual Studio installed.

Is anyone else running HomeSite on Windows 8? If so, maybe you know of a solution.





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Deleted User
May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015

Not sure if anyone still cares about this but I think I managed to get it working. The problem seemed to be related to the timed auto-backup process which is trying to write a folder that a non-admin user cannot access. I just changed the permissions on the folder, but altering the settings to use an alternative folder would probably work too.


Enthusiast ,
Nov 20, 2013 Nov 20, 2013

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Hi Pete

Homesite 5.5 is discontinued http://www.adobe.com/products/homesite/
I don't think so that a discontinued product might work with Windows 8 as the product code might not be changed according to the system requirements or may be so many other reasons






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New Here ,
Dec 03, 2013 Dec 03, 2013

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Hello Pete,

I have the same problem - everything went smooth under Windows 7, but under Windows 8.1 (completely new installation) HomeSite+ is crashing every 10 minutes to 10+ hours. Mostly it is in connection with C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, but sometimes also with C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll.

Please keep me informed if you found a solution - I will do the same.

@vishu: Zillions of programs are running fine 5-10-15 years after being discontinued, so this is no helpful remark at all. HS was already discontinued when Windows 7 or Wista came out and was running fine with them.

Best regards,

Rüdiger Graf




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Guide ,
Dec 04, 2013 Dec 04, 2013

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While many programs may continue to work on several OS versions after the one they are designed for, there are no guarantees. Using any software product long after it's discontinued carries what should be fairly obvious risks of incompatibilty.

Considering that Windows XP was the target OS at the time Homesite 5.5 was released, I'm not surprised that it won't run reliably on an OS that is three generations past that.  While Homesite 5.5 was a fine tool for ColdFusion development, there are many good (and some free) alternatives available that will run on the latest OS.  Time to move on and update your toolbox.

-Carl V.




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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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None of these answers are appropriate. Yes, Homesite+ is old school, but there has to be a way to get it to work under W8. Homesite+ works just fine for my needs, except of course it crashes for no particular reason at no particular interval. Could be five minutes while I'm working on a file. Could be three days while I'm in another window, though I seem to see it happen more frequently when I'm copying and pasting either from another window or another server in Remote Desktop.

Currently I'm trying different compatibility modes. Been using XP SP3 for a while and it seemed to last longer. Three crashes in the past hour made me try 95 mode instead. We'll see if that helps.




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Guide ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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None of these answers are appropriate.

I have to disagree with that statement.  You are trying to run decade-old software on a modern operating system.  It is likely that you will not be able to make that work successfully, as attested to by the failure of it to run in "compatibility modes".  I personally have applications that I have to run on a Windows XP virtual machine because they simply will not run reliably on Windows 7, let alone Windows 8+.  That is a reality.  If you wish to keep beating your head against a wall trying to make it otherwise, go ahead - but please don't criticize those who point out why it is a bad idea.

-Carl V.




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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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Well, there's the solution right there. Run it in a virtual machine. Well done, Carl.

If someone really wants to run a particular piece of software, there has to be a way. Just saying "move on already" is not appropriate. In my opinion, anyway.





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Guide ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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I don't think "move on already" is inappropriate.  There are several viable alternatives to Homesite+ that not only work on modern operating systems but also support the current versions of ColdFusion (including language and feature enhancements in the most recent versions of ColdFusion).  The problem is people who are change-averse. Here's a bad analogy: It's kind of like they want to keep driving their old trusty 1966 Studebaker Cruiser that and was designed when 55 mph was the speed limit, gasoline had lead in it and was really cheap, and seat belts and air quality regulations didn't exist.  The rest of the world has moved on to fuel efficient Hondas and Toyotas that have emission controls, use unleaded gasoline, and were designed for a 65 or 70mph speed limit, and have air bags.  Yes, one can continue driving that Studebaker - but they shouldn't complain that they can't find parts for it or buy unleaded gasoline anymore, or when they are seriously injured in a minor car accident.

Homesite+ was a great CF editor for its time.  But that time has long passed.  Web development techniques and methods have changed tremendously in the last 10 years, and modern editors provide support for those techniques and methods (and are compatible with modern operating systems).  It is time to move on!

-Carl V.




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Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2014 Oct 07, 2014

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Well, not to be factious, but let's see who fares better in a collision with an old Studebaker. 🙂

I agree with you in concept, but this isn't a case of gas efficiency or parts. It's a case of habit, and working style, and burden of installation. I've looked at some other editors and some of them require an environment platform be installed to support the program I ultimately want to be installed, with megs and megs of libraries and all kinds of stuff I don't need. All I want is a text editor that knows the language I'm typing, is quick, and uncomplicated.

So, to each his/her own, right?

My point is someone came asking for help, and what they got was "Tough luck kid. Move on"... and that, I think, is not what they came here for.

In the mean time, I'm finding that running Homesite+ in Win98 compatibility mode seems to be working ok. Long live Homesite+ !!




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May 11, 2015 May 11, 2015

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Not sure if anyone still cares about this but I think I managed to get it working. The problem seemed to be related to the timed auto-backup process which is trying to write a folder that a non-admin user cannot access. I just changed the permissions on the folder, but altering the settings to use an alternative folder would probably work too.




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New Here ,
Jul 07, 2015 Jul 07, 2015

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hi David

Was in the same boat. Hopefully the auto backup will solve the problem.






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Participant ,
Mar 29, 2018 Mar 29, 2018

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Just wanted to confirm this solution got it to work for me in Windows 10 as well.  Before I found this, it was crashing frequently on Windows 10 in Parallels on my Macbook, but I assumed it was that combination too.  But with Windows 10 on a new HP laptop, setting the auto-backup folder to an "open" permissioned folder worked a charm.  Perfectly stable and comforting to have my familiar IDE while I continue trying to adopt CF Builder and get it as customized as I'm used to.

Also kind of wanted to reignite the debate because a part of me loves when others try to tell you you're not doing your job correctly.




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Mar 30, 2018 Mar 30, 2018

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Doing one's job correctly has nothing to do with which IDE one is using, it's about how one writes and formats code and makes use of efficient and secure methodologies.  I do not see anywhere in this thread where anyone said anyone else was not "doing their job correctly."  I see many instances where the obvious was pointed out and ignored.  But it all comes down to how much BS one is willing to go through in order to "do one's job correctly."

^ _ ^




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Community Beginner ,
Mar 10, 2016 Mar 10, 2016

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Thank you! I care very much. I too love this piece of software and have relied on it for many years. It started crashing a few months ago on Windows 7, now I've moved to Windows 10 and it crashes at least once per hour. I tried your permissions idea, and we'll see how it goes. Thanks! Kristi




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Mar 10, 2016 Mar 10, 2016

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Brackets.  Sublime Text.  Notepad++.  DreamWeaver (before CC).  Eclipse.

I get the whole "we've been using this for over a decade and don't want to relearn anything" mentality.  I've been told I'm a stubborn f'ing Scot for many reasons.  But at some point, the OS that you use will become so advanced beyond the capabilities of HomeSite (any version) that it will eventually come to the point where it won't even start to execute.  In this case, only a VM will work.  Do you really want to spend the rest of your development career using a VM to work on projects?  What about when CF Server has introduced and deprecated so many tags that HomeSite becomes completely irrelevant?  Would you switch to a new IDE, then?





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 10, 2016 Mar 10, 2016

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WolfShade, thanks for your input. I love learning new things every single day. Please don't accuse me of a don't want to learn "mentality". It's rude. This piece of software is unmatched in it's abilities, so if I can reasonably keep it going forward, great! Of course I realize it will just up and quit some day. I'll use something else on that day. I'm not about to go to a VM to do it. After I made the change on the backup directory, it has not crashed since. So, what's wrong with cruising along, and being efficient with it now?




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Mar 10, 2016 Mar 10, 2016

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What else does one call a refusal to adopt a current standard IDE over an IDE that became obsolete (and hasn't been updated, at all) a decade ago?

You say you love learning new things, but this one thing (using an updated IDE that has better support for CF) you intentionally avoid learning.

Rude?  Perhaps; that's subjective.  Accurate?  Obviously.  Maybe not in everything that you do, but certainly as it relates to using an IDE for development.

As I stated, I've been called a stubborn f'ing Scot for many reasons.  Heck, I'm not even learning anything outside of CF/JavaScript/SQL.  I _could_ be keeping up with my younger colleagues by learning .NET, and all that other "modern" stuff, so I get the "don't wanna" mentality.

But at least I use a (somewhat) modern IDE with more CF support than HomeSite.  And when Adobe announced that DW will (soon) no longer support CF, I move on.  Brackets.  Notepad++.   Something else, something that tries to keep up with current CF tags and functions.  If I complain about how my IDE isn't working, it won't be because my IDE is over a decade old trying to run on an OS that was released within the last two or three years.





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 10, 2016 Mar 10, 2016

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Thanks WolfShade. I'm busy and have lots of work to do, and I'm sure you do too. Thanks for the nice conversation.




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