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jvm config location on multiserver coldfusion 9 enterprise on Unix

Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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Hi All,

We're CF9 Enterprise Running on Unix - inside tomcat containers.

I'm trying to see how the jvm.config file is set - but can only find outdated or not relevant articles on the subject.

* while the CF Administrator settings page doesn't say so ... I'm assuming I'm working with a multiserver instance, as the option to edit the JVM is not in the administrator. so can't find the location of the jvm config from there

* searching the VM that holds the tomcat containers for 'jvm.config' results in nothing.  No file on the system with that name.

reading many other posts on this, it seems that "it depends" is the consistent answer in forums as to where the jvm.config file is.

As I didn't set this environment up, and its not the standard install of CF with the installer ... I'm not sure where to look.

1. Can CF9 operate without a jvm.config file?

2. where is the file? how can I find the file?

3. Ihere is no C:/coldfusion9/cfusion/ directory - > how can I determine the "runtime" directory where the jvm.config file should be?

4. Is there a different way to configure CF9 WITHOUT the non-existant jvm.config file?

The docs say to look in the JRUN folder, the JRE folder and a few other places.






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

You would not use the jvm.config with CF deployed on Tomcat. You would edit the JVM configuration however Tomcat supports it. In Linux, I think all the jvm config would be in .sh files related to the startup of tomcat. Just google that and leave CF out of the search.

The jvm.config is CF’s Java config file, when CF is deployed on the java container that IT comes with (when one uses a Server or Multiserver installation option for CF). In the case of CF9 and earlier, it ran on Jrun. In 10 and abov




Community Expert ,
May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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You would not use the jvm.config with CF deployed on Tomcat. You would edit the JVM configuration however Tomcat supports it. In Linux, I think all the jvm config would be in .sh files related to the startup of tomcat. Just google that and leave CF out of the search.

The jvm.config is CF’s Java config file, when CF is deployed on the java container that IT comes with (when one uses a Server or Multiserver installation option for CF). In the case of CF9 and earlier, it ran on Jrun. In 10 and above, it runs on Tomcat. But you are using your OWN Tomcat (and you or someone in your org used the CF installer’s option to create an EAR or WAR, and then deployed THAT onto your Tomcat), and so that’s why you need to look to TOMCAT for how it configures JVM settings.


/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Community Beginner ,
May 03, 2018 May 03, 2018

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thanks for that clear explanation.

once again ... you're the magic answer man when it comes to CF.





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