milliseconds, epoch time, today's date

May 26, 2008
May 26, 2008
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1210921200000 is the number of milliseconds from Jan 1 1970 to a certain date/time. How do I convert that into a date/time using CF? I am sure somebody has faced this before. Thanks
1210921200000 is the number of milliseconds from Jan 1 1970 to a certain date/time. How do I convert that into a date/time using CF? I am sure somebody has faced this before. Thanks
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May 26, 2008
May 26, 2008
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one way, off the top of my head, would be:
dateadd('s', 1210921200000/1000, createdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
there are other ways. experiment with different cf date/time functions.
Azadi Saryev
dateadd('s', 1210921200000/1000, createdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
there are other ways. experiment with different cf date/time functions.
Azadi Saryev
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May 27, 2008
May 27, 2008
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Azadi: You reply worked perfectly well. Thanks a ton.
<CFSET a = dateadd('s', #encounter_date#/1000, createdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))>
<CFSET a = dateadd('s', #encounter_date#/1000, createdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))>
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May 27, 2008
May 27, 2008
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worldnet5 wrote:
> Hello: 1210921200000 is the number of milliseconds from Jan 1 1970 to a
> certain date/time. How do I convert that into a date/time using CF? I am sure
> somebody has faced this before. Thanks
preserves the accuracy of the original epoch offset:
writeOutput("#dateFormat(aDate)# #timeFormat(aDate)#");
be aware that the datetime returned from this will be in the *server* timezone
*not* UTC.
> Hello: 1210921200000 is the number of milliseconds from Jan 1 1970 to a
> certain date/time. How do I convert that into a date/time using CF? I am sure
> somebody has faced this before. Thanks
preserves the accuracy of the original epoch offset:
writeOutput("#dateFormat(aDate)# #timeFormat(aDate)#");
be aware that the datetime returned from this will be in the *server* timezone
*not* UTC.
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Oct 30, 2018
Oct 30, 2018
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CreateObject("java", "java.util.Date").from( CreateObject("java", "java.time.Instant").ofEpochMilli(JavaCast("long", 1210921200000)) )
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Jul 10, 2020
Jul 10, 2020
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I know this is from a while ago, but I am working with some covid data coming out of a JSON string
and the gross number: 1584079200000 was giving me fits!
Your string allowed me to return the right number: dateadd('s', 1584079200000/1000, createdatetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0))
output:{ts '2020-03-13 06:00:00'}
Thanks for saving my butt!
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