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I swear, I've disliked the Jive platform since day one, and now I'm even less happy with it.
Ever since day one, if I do not close my browser I remain logged in.
For the last couple of days, if I go to lunch or something else takes me away for an hour or more, when I return instead of seeing my profile icon, I see "Sign In". If I click the Sign In link, the page basically refreshes and shows my profile icon, again.
Is this life-shattering? No.
Is this going to ruin my day? No.
Is it really annoying? Yes.
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I'm curious, what behavior would you like to see? This has been how it's behaved for me for quite a while. Typically, it comes up when I click a link from email to answer a question, and sometimes I have to click the "sign in" link first. This seems like acceptable behavior for systems that have low security requirements and don't want to keep session data loaded for long periods. My guess is that after your server session expires, you still have a cookie that marks you as authenticated, and the server reloads your session based on the cookie and perhaps something in the link (or maybe just the cookie alone, I haven't looked at it).
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC
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I don't use email to read/respond to posts. I open FireFox, navigate here, log in.
For years, once logged in, if I do not close the browser I stay logged in. It's never (until recently) given me the "Sign In" link, unless I close the browser and then open it and come back. So this behaviour is new. I'm pretty sure Jive made some kind of change.
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I went through same. The solution I chose was to say 'always' to the browser's question whether or not to save my login (uname/pword). Then I only have to refresh the page or click on the sign-in link.
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I stopped unchecking the "Always" option about a year ago. I still think it's a security issue that should be corrected (ie, not defaulted to checked), but it isn't having any effect on what I described in my original post.
^ _ ^
UPDATE: I just re-read your post. You're referring to the _browser_ offering to remember your credentials??? I think that's just for the login form, not session.
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WolfShade wrote
UPDATE: I just re-read your post. You're referring to the _browser_ offering to remember your credentials??? I think that's just for the login form, not session.
Yes I was referring to logging in. For example, I was last on this very page over a day ago. Reopening it just now, I saw I had been signed out.
When I clicked on the SignIn button I was automatically signed back in. That is the ease I need (Chrome had stored my credentials). I should add that I have no need to return to a session here, say, after a few hours.
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BKBK wrote
When I clicked on the SignIn button I was automatically signed back in. That is the ease I need (Chrome had stored my credentials). I should add that I have no need to return to a session here, say, after a few hours.
Which is the same situation as I. I'm not talking about opening the browser a day later and then be automatically signed in when I click the Sign In link. I'm talking I browse the forums for an hour, leave the browser open on Adobe forums, go to lunch for an hour, come back and refresh the page. At this point, I get the Sign In link instead of my profile pic. Click the link and I'm automatically signed in.
What I want (which is the way it used to be until recently) is to refresh the page and NOT get the Sign In link; my profile pic should indicate that I am still logged on.
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Ah, understood.
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This is still happening to me. Is there anyone actually working on this at Jive??
^ _ ^