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pdf functions not working after upgrade

Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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I have a couple of processes that are no longer working after  hotfix 16 for CF 2016.

One uses cfpdf to prefill a form - shows a blank page and does not process

<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#temppath#\#flist.file_template#"
destination="#application.DocStoreDir##newfname#" overwrite="no" overwritedata="yes">
<cfpdfformparam name="JMNU" value="#session.jmnu#">
<cfpdfformparam name="todaydate" value="#todaydate#">


The other uses DDX to build a pdf, the DDX is valid (I am also using IsDDX() to verify) and unchanged for a year, but it now always shows this now -The DDX specified is not valid.


Any help would be appreciated






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

thank you  Charlie,

   That was the first place I looked, the upgrade was all successful. I emailed cfsupport and they sent me a patch for cf_acrobat.jar which fixed both cfpdfform and the DDX issue. I did pose the question to them whether this would affect future upgrades. I got no explanation of the cause of the issue.

I had done all the updates in order 14, 15, and 16


I had found your guide and found it very useful... Thanks!



Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2020 Dec 23, 2020

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More info - found in the exceptions log :

"Error","ajp-nio-","12/23/20","07:29:07",intranet,"Could not initialize class com.adobe.agl.text.BreakIterator The specific sequence of files included or processed is: D:\Webs\Rebrand\Intranet\ewp\cfcs\file_utility.cfc, line: 165 "
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.adobe.agl.text.BreakIterator
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLResultTree_WordCache$AFMLWordCacheLocaleGroupNode.<init>(AFMLResultTree_WordCache.java:354)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLResultTree_WordCache$AFMLWordCacheLocaleGroupNode.<init>(AFMLResultTree_WordCache.java:334)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLResultTree_WordCache.addLocaleToWordCache(AFMLResultTree_WordCache.java:82)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.preformatBlock(AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.java:1789)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.preformatFlowOrStaticContent(AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.java:504)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.<init>(AFMLPlacementQueueEntry.java:228)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLPlacementQueue.<init>(AFMLPlacementQueue.java:88)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLTree.internalFormatPageSequence(AFMLTree.java:1430)
at com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLTree.formatAll(AFMLTree.java:652)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.xfatext.FormatXFAText.internalProcessTextPanelSet(FormatXFAText.java:1542)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.xfatext.FormatXFAText.processPlainText(FormatXFAText.java:321)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.TextFormatterImpl.getFormattedTextRegion(TextFormatterImpl.java:1452)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.TextFormatterImpl.formatAndRenderText(TextFormatterImpl.java:1102)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.impl.TextAppearance.formatText(TextAppearance.java:458)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.impl.TextAppearance.buildTextAppearance(TextAppearance.java:250)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.impl.FieldAppearance.generateSingleAnnotAppearance(FieldAppearance.java:265)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.impl.FieldAppearance.generateFieldAppearance(FieldAppearance.java:173)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.services.ap.AppearanceService.generateAppearances(AppearanceService.java:307)
at coldfusion.pdf.PDFForm.populateFields(PDFForm.java:321)
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.PDFFormTag.doEndTag(PDFFormTag.java:347)
at cffile_utility2ecfc298832089$funcCREATE_FILE._factor7(D:\Webs\Rebrand\Intranet\ewp\cfcs\file_utility.cfc:165)






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Community Expert ,
Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

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My first suggestion is to consider another possible explanation: not that update 16 somehow itself broke cf or your code, but rather that there may have been an error during the process of APPLYING the update. There is a log with a count of any such errors. Let's have you check that before going further. See this post for more:




Let us know what that shows you?


If it confirms there were 0 errors, let us know also what your previous update number was. It's indicated by the name of any earlier folder in the hf-updates folder, as discussed in the post. 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

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thank you  Charlie,

   That was the first place I looked, the upgrade was all successful. I emailed cfsupport and they sent me a patch for cf_acrobat.jar which fixed both cfpdfform and the DDX issue. I did pose the question to them whether this would affect future upgrades. I got no explanation of the cause of the issue.

I had done all the updates in order 14, 15, and 16


I had found your guide and found it very useful... Thanks!





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Community Expert ,
Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

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Oh, so do you mean the problem is solved? That would be good to hear.


As for the patched files and future updates, that's indeed an interesting question. If the future uodate did change that file, it would indeed be overwritten by the update. But unless they indicate in the bugs fixed list that this issue is one they fixed, it's certainly possible that the update would lose the fix. And you'd not then want to put it in, as that would mean you'd be taking away things in that jar that were changed by the update.


So it really all depends on whether such a future update changes that jar. If not, you'd probably find all was well.


Finally, just to be clear, the updates are cumulative, so you could have gone from 13 to 16 in one go. It was only an update in just of 2019 that required you run it first before others, as it corrected a problem whereby later ones wouldn't "verify" after download in the cf admin. I have blog posts on both of those, whose links I could share, if you may be interested to know more. 🙂


But do let us know if this is solved, and if so, then you will want to mark your last reply (or your reply to this one) as the answer, to help future readers. 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 24, 2020 Dec 24, 2020

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Yes, that did solve the problems. Waiting on  response from support regrading upgrades. I was looking for an answer to whether the updates were cumulative or not and could not find one. Good to know, we usually keep up with those, but had issues installing 14 and got behind. I will wait until I hear from support, post that response and mark that as the answer


Thanks for the help





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Community Expert ,
Dec 25, 2020 Dec 25, 2020

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Sure. BTW, as for them being cumulative, my post about that is here:
But see my comment there about how right after I posted it, an update came out that made it no longer OK to "just do the latest". Instead, you had to do that June 2019 update first (update 11 for cf2016, update 4 for cf2018) before any later ones, at least if you want to use the cf admin ui to perform updates:
Finally, as for your challenge with cf2016 update 14 (or cf2018 update 8), that was yet another issue, regarding the web server connector, and perhaps you resolved it since, such as how I discuss here:
Hope that helps you or future readers. 
And sure, let's see what Adobe support says about this PDF fix you got, and your question of whether it would be needed again with a subsequent cf update. 
Best of all, glad you're back to things working. 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 28, 2020 Dec 28, 2020

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From ColdFusion support:

No, this will not be an issue with future upgrades and also, we will be releasing this fix with one of our future CF updates. 


No indication of exactly what needed fixing, but this resolved my problems






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Community Expert ,
Dec 27, 2020 Dec 27, 2020

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> "Error","ajp-nio-","12/23/20","07:29:07",intranet,"Could not initialize class com.adobe.agl.text.BreakIterator The specific sequence of files included or processed is: D:\Webs\Rebrand\Intranet\ewp\cfcs\file_utility.cfc, line: 165 "


Suggestion to avoid the error:

  1. Download and install the latest Java 11 JDK, namely, JAVA SE 11.0.9(LTS). Yes, Java 11 is supported on ColdFusion 2016.
  2. Stop ColdFusion. Modify the java.home settings in /cfusion/bin/jvm.config to point to the location of the new Java installation. For example, assuming a default JDK installation on Windows, you would set
           java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.9
  3. Restart ColdFusion.

Do you still get the error?





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