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(I still say the new JIVE interface is ugly)
Hello, all,
One of my co-workers has been tasked to document a legacy CF site that was built about ten years ago.
Everything was going well, until he noticed that in the root of the site is a "settings.xml" file.
He's not finding any references to it in any of the CFML code. Is there a valid reason to have settings.xml in the site root? He's not sure what to write for the documentation; and in all the years I've been working with CF, I've never seen that, before.
Have you or your co-worker used ColdFusion Builder to work with this code? If you create a project in CFBuilder, a settings.xml file for it will be created (along with a .settings folder).
What's in the file?
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Have you or your co-worker used ColdFusion Builder to work with this code? If you create a project in CFBuilder, a settings.xml file for it will be created (along with a .settings folder).
What's in the file?
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Hi, Carl,
I haven't looked at the file, so don't know what's in it. But there is a very good chance that the original developer used CFB when he developed the legacy site. Is it safe to delete? We don't use CFB, anymore.
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You need to verify what the contents of the file are to be sure it is from CFBuilder. Does it look something like this?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<StartPage useextension="false" />
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I'm getting the co-worker to bring it up.
Yup.. it's similar to that. Is that for CFBs benefit?
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Yes. It stores the project-specific settings you configure in CFBuilder. It can be safely deleted.
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Thanks, Carl. I'll let him know.