Signature question
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How do I change my name on my digital/electronic signature from typed to a hand-written signature?
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I need an answer to the original question.
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Joeg, can you clarify both your first and second notes here?
For the first, where are you wanting to do this? In a PDF being processed by ColdFusion (since this is a CF forum)? And if so, how are you processing the PDF now, as there are many ways?
For your second comment, can you explain what you mean by writing it, since it was only 2 minutes later the first? 🙂 I can't imagine you were shocked no one had replied within 2 minutes. Perhaps you meant that "original question" was some other forum thread you may be referring to? If so, what's the URL?
To be clear, you may go days before getting an answer, especially depending on the question. While there are some folks who love to jump in and help, they don't all know about every feature, so you may ask for something that is a real stumper. (For instance, I have never myself done anything with signatures in PDFs in CF, let alone putting in that hand-signed name the way one can in Acrobat. I suspect it's not possible, and that only Acrobat can do it.)
But if you clarify what you mean, perhaps someone who DOES have experience with that may reply with help for you, and other readers.
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I have a question: I recently switched to coldfusion 18 and while capturing signature to a file using signature pad, its not capturing the signatures properly, instead of signature, its saving the whole canvas with filing of black color only. I went back to coldfusion 11, its working fine again. Whats going on here? Seems like <cfimage> tags are working properly with coldfusion 18. Can someone help me on this?