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Unable to start ColdFusion...

Contributor ,
Oct 29, 2009 Oct 29, 2009

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(I hope the only answer to this problem will not be a virus and the need to re-build my PC!)

Unable to access CF as localhost (both a website I wrote which had been working fine and http://localhost:8500/cfide/administrator), I checked out the Start Menu and sure enough, CF was being instructed to load a boot time. So I uninstalled CF8 and tried to install CF9, un-checking the parts about searching capabilities (Verity, etc.). I believe it claimed to install okay, but then my virus software, AVG, claimed that a CF program was... *malware*! I didn't have the common sense to write down the full pathname, but JRUN was somewhere in that pathname. So I completely uninstalled my Java, and reinstalled the latest version of Java from the java.com website. (In the interim, Firefox told me its new version was incompatible with the installed version of Flash Player and I better update that, attempted to do so, and on the first attempt, was told that "the download did not pass the integrity check", but it succeeded when I tried the second time.) But finally, with the latest version of Java installed, and went back to the task of installing CF9...

After first uninstalling the earlier install of CF9, I undertook the process again (from a saved copy of the .exe by the way, and will all other windows closed). This time I went with all the defaults (built-in server, search capabilities, remote capabilities). At length, I was told "You have successfully completed the first step" and "Now launch the Configuration Wizard in the default browser" (not exact quotes, but close). When I attempted to do so (by clicking Done, since the checkbox for launching the Configuration Wizard was checked), I received the message: "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"

In other words, after all of the above, I'm back at square one. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I should try next?

Thanks for your help.


Message was edited by: PeytonT: Now 3 hours later, I have completed a full scan of the computer (685,000) files, and no infections were found - just 82 'warnings', all of them tracking cookies. But entering the url "" (without the quotes of course) still returns nothing.

Getting started




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Nov 07, 2009 Nov 07, 2009

The 'cf-j2ee-readme.txt' file tells

It tells me that you didn't select either of the "install CF" (either stand-alone or multi-server) options during the install, you choice the "create EAR/WAR" file option.  Which doesn't install CF, it just creates a EAR or WAR file (for deployment on an existing J2EE server).




Contributor ,
Oct 30, 2009 Oct 30, 2009

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NEW AND POSSIBLY RELEVANT INFORMATION: This morning when I booted up my computer, the AVG security program presented me with the following message:

"Identity protection: Malware detected: C:\COLDFUSION\JNBRIDGE\JNBDOTNETSIDE.EXE"

Could this be true? Has someone compromised the ColdFusion code? Or is AVG simply mistaken?

Keep in mind that I have a clean install of ColdFusion 9, Developer Edition, done just last night.




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Explorer ,
Oct 30, 2009 Oct 30, 2009

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I doubt the CF code has a virus. Try disabling AVG and see if CF will start up. You may need to somehow allow or unblock the service in question.

And just as a side not, something that used to get me when installing CF was the permissions. Make sure the service is starting under an account with sufficient permissions, though I'm not sure what those are.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 01, 2009 Nov 01, 2009

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entering the url "" (without the quotes of course) still returns nothing.

My guess is that the CF9 installer saw the port 8500 as still registered with the old CF8, and defaulted to port 8501. So, try




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Contributor ,
Nov 03, 2009 Nov 03, 2009

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Well, guys, here's an update. The virus protection company assured me they were mistaken in claiming that JRUN has a virus. I had already decided to trust it by then, placed JRUN on the 'trusted' list, and succeeded in installing ColdFusion 9, after which I was able to get to my website (localhost). Now, a few days later, it has suddenly stopped working again for no reason I can fathom. Whenever I try to go to http://localhost:8080/cfide/administrator, I get the message "The Macromedia application server(s) are unreachable". Same story, needless to say, when I try to go to my site.

I have always used port 8080 since I'm a connected to a router and evidently port 80 is occupied. For whatever reason it doesn't work, so 8080 is the port I've been using for over a year; it has always worked until my recent difficulties, and it was working just a few days ago after the installation of ColdFusion 9. Now it does not work. 8500 also does not work, nor does 8501. And the issue cannot be one of permissions since nothing that I know of changed in that regard in a very long time.

Other ideas?

Right now, I suppose I'll just reinstall again...





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Nov 03, 2009 Nov 03, 2009

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Check your jrun.xml file to make sure that's actually the port it's listening on...






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Contributor ,
Nov 03, 2009 Nov 03, 2009

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Well, I reinstalled ColdFusion 9, and now the site is working again - via port 8080 as before. I looked in jrun.xml, and apparently the port for localhost is 2506. At least it's true that immediately after the attribute with the value 'localhost' we find the attribute 'port' with the value '2506'. For whatever reason, however, if I try to go to the site via 2506 it just keeps trying forever (several minutes as of this post) and never gets there.

Finally, I gave up and tried again with port 8080 and it went there immediately. Could this have anything to do with the fact that it had just gone there on port 8080 several minutes earlier, so the port superseded 2506 in some way?

I'll try 2506 after re-booting tomorrow.

I still don't know why it stopped working several days ago under CF8 (though. 'tis true, at that time it had been weeks since in had been accessed)...

   then started working again after a clean install of CF9 (and was still working as of Oct. 31)...

   then mysteriously was not working today ...

   then started working again right after the clean install of CF9 I performed this evening...





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Nov 03, 2009 Nov 03, 2009

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I suspect you were looking @ the wrong bitof jrun.xml.  You should be looking @ the <service class="jrun.servlet.http.WebService" name="WebService" /> node.  I think you were looking @ the <service class="jrun.jms.adapter.SonicMQAdapter" name="JMSAdapter" /> node?






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Contributor ,
Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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Would you believe that now, less than 24 hours after my site was working again yesterday right after the clean install of ColdFusion 9, it has suddenly stopped working yet again? Yep, once again I'm getting the message "A server error has occurred... The Macromedia application servers are unreachable". Is there a log somewhere where I can find more information about what caused this error?

As to what port it's listening on per jnr.xml, c:\Coldfusion9\runtime\servers\admin\SERVER-INF has port 8000 for jrun.servlet.http.WebService. The one in c:\Coldfusion9\runtime\servers\coldfusion\SERVER-INF is port 8500. Since a comment there calls this "the built-in Jrun web server', does that mean I should have chosen the built-in server instead of 'all IIS sites' when in installed ColdFusion 9 yesterday?




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Community Expert ,
Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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'all IIS sites' when in installed ColdFusion 9 yesterday

Ah, of course, port 8080. I do believe its best to install Coldfusion to first use the built-in webserver, and then use the Web Server Configuration Tool later to add a web server like IIS.




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Community Expert ,
Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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once again I'm getting the message "A server error has occurred... The Macromedia application servers are unreachable". Is there a log somewhere where I can find more information about what caused this error?

C:\ColdFusion9\logs\exception.log and C:\ColdFusion9\logs\server.log




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Contributor ,
Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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I'm going to try an install with the built-in server soon (I have been electing IIS), although I may also try another intall like those I've been doing, and reboot to see if cf goes bad right after a re-boot. Meanwhile, BKBK, I present the contents of the server log. (It did not really bomb on 'verity': For the most recent install I unchecked verity and solr... not sure what archive or document refer to.) Do you see anything promising?

Adam, what should I look for to see if cf services is running? In the 'Processes' tab of Task Manager? If so, I find nothing which starts with the letters 'cf', neither on the PC where CF does not run, nor on another PC where it does run (unfortunately I can't develop in CF on that PC at the moment since I have not been able to get the latest ODBC driver for a certain database from Microsoft). Interestingly, though, on the PC where CF does run, I find jrun.exe in the list of processes in task manager, and jrunsvc.exe as well, while neither of them is present in the PC where CF does not run. Moreover, they are already shown as loaded in task manager after a reboot of the PC where CF does run, even before I attempt to access CF. I provide the jrun logs (coldfusion-event.log and coldfusion-out.log) for yesterday and today after the second set of double lines below. I don't see anything on 11/03 (the successful day) vs. 11/04 (the failure day) which would explain the problem... I will try to reinstall Java, but I did so just this morning when they announced an update. But I can do it again...


Below is the server log for the successful run yesterday (11/03/05) and failure to run today (11/04/09). There was no 11/04/09 date in the exception log.

"Information","main","11/03/09","17:54:58",,"Starting logging..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:54:58",,"Starting license..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Invalid ColdFusion 9 license."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Invalid ColdFusion 9 license."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Developer Edition enabled"
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Starting crypto..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RSA Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RIPEMD160, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512)"
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:02",,"Starting security..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:06",,"Starting scheduler..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:06",,"Starting WatchService..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:07",,"Starting debugging..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:07",,"Starting sql..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:07",,"Starting mail..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:07",,"Starting runtime..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:08",,"CORBA Configuration not enabled"
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:08",,"Starting cron..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:08",,"Starting registry..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:08",,"Starting client..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:09",,"Starting xmlrpc..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:09",,"Starting graphing..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:10",,"Starting verity..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:10",,"Starting solr..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:10",,"Starting archive..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:10",,"Starting document..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:10",,"Starting eventgateway..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:11",,"Starting FlexAssembler..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:11",,"Starting .NET..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:12",,"Starting Monitoring..."
"Information","main","11/03/09","17:55:13",,"ColdFusion started"
"Information","jrpp-0","11/03/09","18:30:36",,"Pool Manager Started"
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:46:56",,"Starting logging..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:46:57",,"Starting license..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:33",,"Invalid ColdFusion 9 license."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:33",,"Invalid ColdFusion 9 license."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:33",,"Developer Edition enabled"
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:36",,"Starting crypto..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:36",,"Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RSA Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RIPEMD160, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512)"
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:36",,"Starting security..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:37",,"Starting scheduler..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:37",,"Starting WatchService..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:37",,"Starting debugging..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:38",,"Starting sql..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:39",,"Pool Manager Started"
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:39",,"Starting mail..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:40",,"Starting runtime..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:46",,"CORBA Configuration not enabled"
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:46",,"Starting cron..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:46",,"Starting registry..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:48",,"Starting client..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:53",,"Starting xmlrpc..."
"Information","main","11/04/09","09:47:58",,"Starting graphing..."



# Created by JRun on 11/03 17:54:46
11/03 17:54:46 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
11/03 17:54:46 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/03 17:54:47 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/03 17:54:55 user JSPServlet: init
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/03 17:55:13 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
11/03 17:55:13 user CFMxmlServlet: init
11/03 17:55:13 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/03 17:55:19 user CFSwfServlet: init
11/03 17:55:19 user CFCServlet: init
11/03 17:55:24 user FlashGateway: init
11/03 17:55:26 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
11/03 17:55:31 user CFFormGateway: init
11/03 17:55:31 user CFInternalServlet: init
11/03 17:55:31 user WSRPProducer: init
11/03 17:55:32 user ServerCFCServlet: init
11/03 17:55:43 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/04 09:45:33 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
11/04 09:45:34 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/04 09:45:34 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/04 09:45:35 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/04 09:46:38 user JSPServlet: init
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16


Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108795), coldfusion server
These changes should get picked up!
11/03 17:54:41 warning Unable to open C:\ColdFusion9\runtime/lib/license.properties
11/03 17:54:43 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2932
11/03 17:54:46 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
11/03 17:54:46 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/03 17:54:47 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/03 17:54:54 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition enabled
11/03 17:54:54 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
11/03 17:54:55 user JSPServlet: init
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/03 17:54:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/03 17:54:58 Information [main] - Starting logging...
11/03 17:54:58 Information [main] - Starting license...
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled
These changes should get picked up!
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RSA Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RIPEMD160, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512)
11/03 17:55:02 Information [main] - Starting security...
11/03 17:55:06 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
11/03 17:55:06 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
11/03 17:55:07 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
11/03 17:55:07 Information [main] - Starting sql...
11/03 17:55:07 Information [main] - Starting mail...
11/03 17:55:07 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
11/03 17:55:08 [main] INFO  Using "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
11/03 17:55:08 [main] INFO  Using "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
11/03 17:55:08 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not enabled
11/03 17:55:08 Information [main] - Starting cron...
11/03 17:55:08 Information [main] - Starting registry...
11/03 17:55:08 Information [main] - Starting client...
11/03 17:55:09 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...
11/03 17:55:09 Information [main] - Starting graphing...
11/03 17:55:10 Information [main] - Starting verity...
11/03 17:55:10 Information [main] - Starting solr...
11/03 17:55:10 Information [main] - Starting archive...
11/03 17:55:10 Information [main] - Starting document...
11/03 17:55:10 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend Handlers.
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Initialized EventRequestDispatcher with a Thread Pool size of 1.
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Initializing EventRequestHandler
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...
11/03 17:55:11 Information [main] - Starting .NET...
11/03 17:55:12 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...
11/03 17:55:13 Information [main] - ColdFusion started
11/03 17:55:13 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
11/03 17:55:13 user CFMxmlServlet: init
11/03 17:55:13 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/03 17:55:13 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/03 17:55:19 user CFSwfServlet: init
11/03 17:55:19 user CFCServlet: init
11/03 17:55:24 user FlashGateway: init
11/03 17:55:26 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
11/03 17:55:31 user CFFormGateway: init
11/03 17:55:31 user CFInternalServlet: init
11/03 17:55:31 user WSRPProducer: init
11/03 17:55:32 user ServerCFCServlet: init
Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 58 seconds)
11/03 17:55:43 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/03 18:25:42 Information [jrpp-1] - C:\ColdFusion9\logs\application.log initialized
11/03 18:25:42 Error [jrpp-1] - Datasource ReporterData could not be found. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Reporters\ReporterLogin.cfm, line: 7
11/03 18:25:42  [] -
11/03 18:30:36 Information [jrpp-0] - Pool Manager Started
SLF4J: This version of SLF4J requires log4j version 1.2.12 or later. See also http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#log4j_version
11/03 18:30:49 [jrpp-0] INFO  I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11/03 18:30:49 [jrpp-0] INFO  Retrying request
11/03 18:30:50 [jrpp-0] INFO  I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11/03 18:30:50 [jrpp-0] INFO  Retrying request
11/03 18:30:51 [jrpp-0] INFO  I/O exception (java.net.ConnectException) caught when processing request: Connection refused: connect
11/03 18:30:51 [jrpp-0] INFO  Retrying request
11/03 18:33:05 Information [jrpp-1] - C:\ColdFusion9\logs\migration.log initialized
11/03 18:33:05 Error [jrpp-1] - Could not unzip and deploy cfadmin help. - The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFLOOP
11/03 18:33:08 Error [jrpp-1] - The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: cfoutput The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm, line: 232
11/03 18:33:30 Error [jrpp-2] - Could not install the Getting Started Experience and Example Applications - The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: CFLOOP
11/03 18:33:30 Error [jrpp-2] - The request has exceeded the allowable time limit Tag: cfoutput The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm, line: 232
11/03 19:02:08 Information [scheduler-0] - Run Client Storage Purge
11/03 20:09:08 Information [scheduler-0] - Run Client Storage Purge
11/03 21:16:08 Information [scheduler-2] - Run Client Storage Purge
Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108795), coldfusion server
These changes should get picked up!
11/04 09:45:08 warning Unable to open C:\ColdFusion9\runtime/lib/license.properties
11/04 09:45:18 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2932
11/04 09:45:33 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
11/04 09:45:34 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/04 09:45:34 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/04 09:45:35 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/04 09:46:34 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition enabled
11/04 09:46:35 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
11/04 09:46:38 user JSPServlet: init
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/04 09:46:48 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/04 09:46:56 Information [main] - Starting logging...
11/04 09:46:57 Information [main] - Starting license...
11/04 09:47:33 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/04 09:47:33 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/04 09:47:33 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled
These changes should get picked up!
11/04 09:47:36 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
11/04 09:47:36 Information [main] - Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RSA Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, HMAC-MD5, HMAC-RIPEMD160, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384, HMAC-SHA512)
11/04 09:47:36 Information [main] - Starting security...
11/04 09:47:37 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
11/04 09:47:37 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
11/04 09:47:37 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
11/04 09:47:38 Information [main] - Starting sql...
11/04 09:47:39 Information [main] - Pool Manager Started
11/04 09:47:39 Information [main] - Starting mail...
11/04 09:47:40 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
11/04 09:47:41 [main] INFO  Using "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
11/04 09:47:46 [main] INFO  Using "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\vfs_cache" as temporary files store.
11/04 09:47:46 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not enabled
11/04 09:47:46 Information [main] - Starting cron...
11/04 09:47:46 Information [main] - Starting registry...
11/04 09:47:48 Information [main] - Starting client...
11/04 09:47:53 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...
11/04 09:47:58 Information [main] - Starting graphing...




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Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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As Coldfusion's logs show nothing, the problem is therefore with IIS. Restart IIS.




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Nov 04, 2009 Nov 04, 2009

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As Coldfusion's logs show nothing, the problem is therefore with IIS. Restart IIS.

Not necessarily true.  If JRun had sufficient trouble starting CF that CF didn't bootstrap at all, there'll be nothing in the CF logs because to get entries into there, CF needs to have at least partially started (enough to log problems).  Hence my suggestion to check the JRun logs.






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Nov 05, 2009 Nov 05, 2009

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Not necessarily true.  If JRun had sufficient trouble starting CF that CF didn't bootstrap at all, there'll be nothing in the CF logs because to get entries into there, CF needs to have at least partially started (enough to log problems).  Hence my suggestion to check the JRun logs.

Again, the trouble is most likely caused by IIS. I don't expect a clean server log, like the one above, when there are JRun problems.




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Nov 05, 2009 Nov 05, 2009

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Not necessarily true.  If JRun had sufficient trouble starting CF that CF didn't bootstrap at all, there'll be nothing in the CF logs because to get entries into there, CF needs to have at least partially started (enough to log problems).  Hence my suggestion to check the JRun logs.

Again, the trouble is most likely caused by IIS. I don't expect a clean server log, like the one above, when there are JRun problems.




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Nov 05, 2009 Nov 05, 2009

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Adam, what should I look for to see if cf services is running? In the 'Processes' tab of Task Manager? If so, I find nothing which starts with the letters 'cf', neither on the PC where CF does not run, nor on another PC where it does run (unfortunately I can't develop in CF on that PC at the moment since I have not been able to get the latest ODBC driver for a certain database from Microsoft). Interestingly, though, on the PC where CF does run, I find jrun.exe in the list of processes in task manager, and jrunsvc.exe as well, while neither of them is present in the PC where CF does not run. Moreover, they are already shown as loaded in task manager after a reboot of the PC where CF does run, even before I attempt to access CF. I provide the jrun logs (coldfusion-event.log and coldfusion-out.log) for yesterday and today after the second set of double lines below. I don't see anything on 11/03 (the successful day) vs. 11/04 (the failure day) which would explain the problem... I will try to reinstall Java, but I did so just this morning when they announced an update. But I can do it again...

Either Task Manager or just in Windows Services.  In Windows Services it'll be fairly obvious, but in Task Manager as you've discovered the actual Windows application that runs is JRun, not CF.  CF is a Java app, so runs atop of JRun (by default).  The JRun.exe app is the business end of things, JRunSvc.exe is the Windows service wrapper for it (or something along those lines...).

I had a look @ those JRun logs you posted and nothing leapt out at me.  Usually if something dire has happened, there'll be a thumping great error as the last entry.






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Nov 05, 2009 Nov 05, 2009

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Hi Peyton,

I had a problem where antivirus prevented wsconfig.exe from properly configuring IIS during, and after, CF install (even when antivirus was disabled - I had to shut antivirus down totally during CF install, or while running wsconfig.exe).

Are both machines running the same OS and antivirus (same antivirus version and virus definitions)?  Could you install CF w/ the antivirus shut down (not just disabled, but totally shut down - and also configure the antivirus to not automatically run at system startup)?  Then restart the machine (as you mentioned you would try?) and see if there is still a problem?

This may not be it, but just thought I'd add that note here - since I ran into somewhat-related issues.






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Nov 05, 2009 Nov 05, 2009

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Thanks, everyone for the replies so far. And Adam, where can I find Windows Services to see if I find ColdFusion loaded there?

After my most recent post, I did re-install java, but that didn't help. So next I re-installed CF9 (still just for IIS, not yet the built-in server, since I wanted to pursue the question whether it would fail only after reboot). As expected, after the new installation of CF9 everything was working again. And now this morning, after re-booting (and before trying to access CF), I looked in Task Manager (TM) and found neither hide nor hair of JRUN.EXE or JRUNSVC.EXE, although as I said, both can be found in TM on the PC where CF does run. I then attempted to access CF (localhost:8080/cfide/administrator - the port which always works on this PC), and I got the usual message: "Server Error. The Macromedia application server(s) are unreachable". Again I saw nothing of note in the logs, and of course, still no JRUN.EXE or JRUNSVC.EXE in TM.

Next I proceeded to load JRUN.EXE myself simply by double-clicking it in its directory. It did appear in TM, although its console-like window contained the worrisome message "No JNDI properties file was found in samples SERVER-INF directory. The Jrun kernel requires JNDI information". (I don't know what JNDI is, but there it was.) (A JRUN launcher dialog also appeared, of which more later.) Next I double-clicked JRUNSVC.EXE, which opened a (console-like) window warning that it would require several seconds to load. But then that window simply closed. Gone. And no JRUNSVC.EXE in TM.

Now back to the JRUN launcher dialog, I instructed it to Start CF, whereupon it reported success - and correctly so, since localhost:8080/cfide/administrator is now working, and so is my application. Should I conclude that JRUNSVC.EXE is not needed? What does it do?

Another worrisome issue: TM now shows two instances of JRUN.EXE, one of them taking up a lot of memory (158K), the other not (21K). Why? Is that a problem?

And how can I fix it so JRUN loads automatically on bootup, as happens on my other PC? I seem to remember that there's a directory somewhere where you can drag stuff you want to start right away. I'll search the Windows directory, but right now I want to get this post off before some catastrophe like the power going off and me losing all I just wrote.

One other thing I may not have mentioned: The first time I attempted to install CF9 (after my app stopped working on it own in CF8, though it had been fine on its most recent invocation a few weeks earlier), my virus program complained during the installation that JRUN was malware. I accepted the option to quarantine it (what else could I do with a potential danger?), but then I decided to move it to the trusted category, a decision later approved by the virus program (AVG), who admitted their error to me. But just maybe my current problems *could* be a lingering result of that event? I find no mention in their interface of JRUNSVC.EXE as being blocked, and don't remember if it was also accused of being malware...




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Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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Rest/Restart IIS unless, of course, you've decided to use Coldfusion's in-built web server.




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Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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I'll be glad to rest/restart IIS, but I don't know how. Looking in Task Manager, all I see is the ability to 'End Process'. So should I do that, then simply double-click on inetinfo.exe from its location on my disk drive? Or can that be done through Windows Services? But how do I open Windows Services?

Meanwhile, the weird behaviors continue. After both jrun and jrunsvc had failed several times to load automatically, I loaded jrun manually but could load jrunsvc manually since its window would open for a while, then close, but jrunsvc would never add successfully). Nevertheless, even without jrunsvc running, I was able to start ColdFusion 9 and run my app (including its third page - a point relevant in a moment).

Then the next time I booted up, BOTH jrun AND jrunsvc were loaded automatically for the first time in ages, sitting there in the Task Manager as though there never had never been any problem. (But it is hard to see how loading just one of them manually and entering my app could have caused that on the next boot.) However, when I went to my app, it went to the first two pages fine, then for no apparent reason, it wouldn't load page 3, giving a ColdFusion error this time (the usual blue and gray screen), which I resolved to investigage today even though no recent changes by me seemed relevant.

Now today the next time I booted up, neither jrun or jrunsvc loaded automatically, even though they had loaded automatically yesterday. So again I manually loaded jrun, and tried unsuccessfully to load jrunsvc just as before. However, this time ColdFusion failed to start successfully (via the Jrun launcher, as before). I was advised to look at the logs, and found the listings below, some of which look fine. The times of day don't quite gibe with each other... I may be confusing two runs done this day since I have other things going on at the same time...

Last few lines of server.log

"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:54",,"Starting solr..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:54",,"Starting archive..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:54",,"Starting document..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:55",,"Starting eventgateway..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:55",,"Starting FlexAssembler..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:55",,"Starting .NET..."
"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:55",,"Starting Monitoring..."

"Information","main","11/06/09","15:15:56",,"ColdFusion started"

Last few lines of coldfusion-event.log

11/06 08:59:59 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/06 08:59:59 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/06 09:00:33 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
11/06 09:00:34 user CFMxmlServlet: init
11/06 09:00:34 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/06 09:00:52 user CFSwfServlet: init
11/06 09:00:54 user CFCServlet: init
11/06 15:15:33 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (see jrun-resources.xml)
11/06 15:15:33 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/06 15:15:33 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/06 15:15:34 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C:/ColdFusion9/
11/06 15:15:41 user JSPServlet: init
11/06 15:15:43 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/06 15:15:43 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application services
11/06 15:15:43 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/06 15:15:56 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
11/06 15:15:56 user CFMxmlServlet: init
11/06 15:15:56 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646

Last few lines of coldfusion-out.log.

11/06 09:00:30 Information [main] - Starting solr...
11/06 09:00:31 Information [main] - Starting archive...
11/06 09:00:31 Information [main] - Starting document...
11/06 09:00:31 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend Handlers.
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Initialized EventRequestDispatcher with a Thread Pool size of 1.
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Initializing EventRequestHandler
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...
11/06 09:00:32 Information [main] - Starting .NET...
11/06 09:00:33 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...
11/06 09:00:33 Information [main] - ColdFusion started
11/06 09:00:33 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
11/06 09:00:34 user CFMxmlServlet: init
11/06 09:00:34 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/06 09:00:34 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
11/06 09:00:52 user CFSwfServlet: init
11/06 09:00:54 user CFCServlet: init

I'll wait to hear from you about how to restart inetinfo.exe.

Then I could go on the trying a built-in server install. Nonetheless, the IIS install is supposed to work...

Thanks again for your help,





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Community Expert ,
Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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I'll be glad to rest/restart IIS, but I don't know how.

Simple. Google reset IIS




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Engaged ,
Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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I'm just curious.. What happens after you do this:

1) change antivirus (AVG) startup type from automatic to manual (start > run > services.msc > double-click each antivirus (AVG) service > change 'Startup type' to 'manual')

2) restart machine

Does CF start properly, after reboot, when antivirus is not running?


-Aaron Neff

P.S. You might also try those 2 steps before the next re-install of CF (to ensure antivirus is not interfering with CF installation)




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Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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Thanks, now I know how to restart IIS (plus the additional clue that I should be googling things more often). Unfortunately, when I restart IIS I get the same result. Launching ColdFusion 9 from the Jrun Launcher it chugs along for a while, then reports an error, and tells me to check the console logs. It didn't dawn on my till just now that, by console logs, they of course mean the one in the DOS-type window that has opened, not the logs I sent earlier. The contents of that are presented after the double line below. Is it a problem (mentioned near the top) that the JRun kernel requires JNDI information but no jndi.properties file was found? Or that the CORBA configuration is not enabled (mentioned near the bottom)?

If these suggest nothing to anyone, I'll try stopping the AVG malware protection services next, then move on to trying it with the built-in server...


No jndi.properties file was found in samples's SERVER-INF directory. The JRun ke
rnel requires JNDI information.
C:\ColdFusion9\runtime\bin\jrun.exe -nohup -start
Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108795), coldfusion server
These changes should get picked up!
11/06 17:28:19 warning Unable to open C:\ColdFusion9\runtime/lib/license.propert
11/06 17:28:20 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2932
11/06 17:28:23 info No JDBC data sources have been configured for this server (s
ee jrun-resources.xml)
11/06 17:28:23 info JRun Proxy Server listening on *:51800
11/06 17:28:23 info Deploying enterprise application "Adobe_ColdFusion_9" from:
11/06 17:28:25 info Deploying web application "Adobe ColdFusion 9" from: file:/C
11/06 17:28:32 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition enabled
11/06 17:28:32 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
11/06 17:28:33 user JSPServlet: init
11/06 17:28:35 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
11/06 17:28:35 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: Starting application s
11/06 17:28:35 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM version = 14.0-b16
11/06 17:28:38 Information [main] - Starting logging...
11/06 17:28:38 Information [main] - Starting license...
11/06 17:28:41 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/06 17:28:41 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 9 license.
11/06 17:28:41 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled
These changes should get picked up!
11/06 17:28:42 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
11/06 17:28:42 Information [main] - Installed JSafe JCE provider: Version 3.6 RS
A Security Inc. Crypto-J JCE Security Provider (implements RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hell
man, AES, DES, Triple DES, DESX, RC2, RC4, RC5, PBE, MD2, MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1,
11/06 17:28:42 Information [main] - Starting security...
11/06 17:28:43 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
11/06 17:28:43 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
11/06 17:28:43 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
11/06 17:28:43 Information [main] - Starting sql...
11/06 17:28:44 Information [main] - Pool Manager Started
11/06 17:28:44 Information [main] - Starting mail...
11/06 17:28:44 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
11/06 17:28:46 [main] INFO  Using "C:\DOCUME~1\PEYTON~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\vfs_cache"
as temporary files store.
11/06 17:28:48 [main] INFO  Using "C:\DOCUME~1\PEYTON~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\vfs_cache"
as temporary files store.
11/06 17:28:48 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not enabled
11/06 17:28:48 Information [main] - Starting cron...
11/06 17:28:48 Information [main] - Starting registry...
11/06 17:28:49 Information [main] - Starting client...
11/06 17:28:53 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...

(and nothing follows the above)




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Nov 06, 2009 Nov 06, 2009

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OK, I get more after the XMLRPC thing:

11/07 12:13:43 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting xmlrpc...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting graphing...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting verity...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting solr...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting archive...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting document...
11/07 12:13:44 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting eventgateway...
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting Event Backend Handlers.
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Initialized EventRequestDispatcher with a Thread Pool size of 1.
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Initializing EventRequestHandler
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting Event Gateways.
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting FlexAssembler...
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting .NET...
11/07 12:13:45 Information [scheduler-8] - Starting Monitoring...
11/07 12:13:46 Information [scheduler-8] - ColdFusion started
07/11 12:13:46 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: application services are now available
07/11 12:13:46 user CFMxmlServlet: init
07/11 12:13:46 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
07/11 12:13:46 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646

So my guess would be that the xmlrpc load is failing.

Just a note, if I use JRun to start CF, even after the start-up runs to completion I still get a message saying something to the effect of "it failed to start", and when refreshing the JRun monitor window the CF server doesn't suggest it's running.  But it is.

I never use this UI to start CF, so I have no idea what my expectations should be here, though.

Fortunately, Adobe do free support for people who are having problems with installation, so round about now I'd be opening a ticket with them, if I was you.






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