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What happened to CFMLRepo?

Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

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Hello, all,

I had a bookmark for CFML Repo (by Gavin Pickin), and it no longer works.

Has CFML Repo been moved?  Or decommissioned?


^ _ ^




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

No, Wolf. The repo was moved after 2016 from Amazon to Google Drive, as indicated on the site (and the link offered there now is to gdrive, and a struck out update shows that it had been before that another link on gdrive). If you are seeing a link to Amazon, you must be seeing an old cached version of the page.

All that said, I will point out that if you may be going there to find CF2016 installers (given the release of CF2018, and the removal of CF2016 from the Adobe site), do note that current



Adobe Employee ,
Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

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I can access http://www.cfmlrepo.com/ . Can you check?


Anit Kumar




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Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

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I can access that, but the repository was moved to Amazon, and that link doesn't work for me.


^ _ ^




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Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

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No, Wolf. The repo was moved after 2016 from Amazon to Google Drive, as indicated on the site (and the link offered there now is to gdrive, and a struck out update shows that it had been before that another link on gdrive). If you are seeing a link to Amazon, you must be seeing an old cached version of the page.

All that said, I will point out that if you may be going there to find CF2016 installers (given the release of CF2018, and the removal of CF2016 from the Adobe site), do note that currently the repo does NOT have the latest CF2016 Windows installer that was released in 2017, to support Windows 10 and 2016. I am working on getting that uploaded today. (I'd noticed this some time ago and been meaning to ask Gavin to offer it.)

Finally, FWIW, I know you may be asking about this here to "the community" and not Adobe, but to be clear the repo is indeed a community effort, not an Adobe one. We do certainly thank them for allowing it, and contributing in any way that they might.

And of course the most thanks goes to Gavin, who created it and has managed the effort (and done by far most of the uploading and organization of content, with help from some others of us).

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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Sep 07, 2018 Sep 07, 2018

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Hi, Charlie,

https://forums.adobe.com/people/Charlie+Arehart  wrote

No, Wolf. The repo was moved after 2016 from Amazon to Google Drive, as indicated on the site (and the link offered there now is to gdrive, and a struck out update shows that it had been before that another link on gdrive). If you are seeing a link to Amazon, you must be seeing an old cached version of the page.

I had the Amazon link bookmarked, and clicked on it getting the page not found message.  If it's on Google Drive, I can't access that from work - it's blocked, understandably so.  So, if I ever did need anything from it, I'll have to get it from home. 

https://forums.adobe.com/people/Charlie+Arehart  wrote

Finally, FWIW, I know you may be asking about this here to "the community" and not Adobe, but to be clear the repo is indeed a community effort, not an Adobe one. We do certainly thank them for allowing it, and contributing in any way that they might.

Oh, yes, I was asking the community, and was surprised that Anit was the first to reply.  And I know that the repo is a community project.  And I know that Gavin has done the most work in keeping it working and current (and I am _very_ appreciative of his efforts!)  I don't often need anything from the CFML Repo, but I feel much better knowing that it's there in case I do need something.


^ _ ^




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