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Spyder4Pro in Photoshop CS5 - which proof setup?

New Here ,
Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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I just ran Spyder4Pro calibration on my monitor for the first time. I am using a PC.

Monitor Specs:

Dell SP2309W

2048*1152 Pixel Resolution 23 LCD Display

VGA,DVI,HDMI connectivities

on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460

Photoshop CS5 Extended

I have my monitor Brightness set to 90 and Contrast set to 79.

After I ran the calibration, I titled the profile June2012

Now when I open an image in Photoshop, for the most correct coloring, do I set the Proof Setup to:

-- Custom: sRGB Display Profile with display hardware configuration data derived from calibration


-- Custom: June2012 (as of now, this is what images are opening up as automatically in Photoshop)


-- Custom: sRGB IEC61966-2.1


-- Custom: Document Profile - sRGB IEC61966-2.1

(Or another option?)

And then if I want to preview how it will be viewed online when I save my photo for web use, which profile can I preview it in?





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Engaged ,
Jun 11, 2012 Jun 11, 2012

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The correct answer is None of the Above. Your Proof Setup is there so you can attempt to simulate on your calibrated monitor what your image is going to look like on a completely different device, usually a printer. Your June2012 profile is the profile that describes your monitor to Photoshop so it can accurately display your images. Your images should NOT be in that June2012 color space but in one of the standardized RGB working spaces like sRGB or AdobeRGB1998. If your images are going to be viewed online, just make sure they're in sRGB and that that profile is embedde in the image and you'll be fine. If you do that you probably will never even have to worry about Proof Setup at all.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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Wow, thank you! Saved me a lot of headaches.

Then the only time I will change it is when I want to preview it for a specific printer's profile I need to use. Correct?

So as of now, this is what I'm keeping it at...

Photoshop-->Edit-->Color Settings

It is set to: sRGB IEC61966-2.1

When I open an individual file, I go to

View --> ProofSetup

It is set to Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)

Is that OK now?




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Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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"Then the only time I will change it is when I want to preview it for a specific printer's profile I need to use. Correct?"

Pretty much, and even then, it's you really need to see a few actual prints so you get an idea of how accurate the soft proofing is or isn't. It depends on both the profile and the media.

"So as of now, this is what I'm keeping it at...

Photoshop-->Edit-->Color Settings

It is set to: sRGB IEC61966-2.1"

A good place to start

"When I open an individual file, I go to

View --> ProofSetup

It is set to Internet Standard RGB (sRGB)"

Well, if your file is already IN sRGB, it's kinda redundant to use Proof Setup as you're already seeing your file as it's going to be - that being sRGB. You only need to use Proof Setup when you're going to print your file, and even then, you often don't really have to use it. Honestly, it sounds like someone told you you needed to use this all the time or the world would come to an end. Just have fun working in Photoshop and don't worry about it unless you come across a problems down the line.

Is that OK now?




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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Thank you!!

It's funny, this all got bigger than it needed to be because I calibrated my monitor for the first time this month.

Then when I uploaded an image to my blog, it was SO different from how it looked it Photoshop (way more saturated).

I googled the problem and started reading all about ProofSetups and started thinking I had to switch my settings around.

Any time I picked another proofsetup, the image looked different.

So really, all I wanted is for my blog images to look the same as my images in Photoshop. That's it.

If I have to desaturate them beforehand, that's fine too, I just wanted to know that before I go through the trouble of posting them.

Thanks very much for your calm support. 🙂




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Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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If your blog images are that much different, then, in all likeliness, you're using a non color managed browser which is throwing raw RGB at the screen - a completely different problem but addressable nevertheless. From what you're writing here I can't tell if the blog images are more saturated or if it's the other way around. I have to assume that if you've got sRGB files and a monitor that is closer to Adobe RGB, then you would indeed see more saturated images in a non color managed situation. At this point I'm pretty sure you have a browser problem and nothing more.




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New Here ,
Jun 12, 2012 Jun 12, 2012

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Yup, that's it!

Firefox 13.0

Photos are overly saturated in the browser.

I've noticed they are also more saturated in Picassa too.

Photoshop is the only place they look good.




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Engaged ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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You have to enable the Color Management features in Firefox and then your images will look the same as they do in Ps. Since I only use FF to file LoC Copyright registrations, I never bother with CM on that. You may have to look up how to do that but it certainly doable.




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Advisor ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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your are probably using a WIDE GAMUT monitor

(and you or your websites have stripped the embedded ICC profile, and/or your Web browsers are not being color-managed)

see ABOUT:CONFIG to fix it in Firefox




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