Unable to Publish Captive 4 into Adobe Connect with Windows 7
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I am using Adobe Captive 4 and have previously been able to publish my Adobe Captivate videos into Adobe Connect. However, I have now had my PC upgraded to Windows 7 and am now unable to do so. When I attempt to publish into Adobe Connect, I received the following message:
Adobe Connect requires Flash Player or above.
I have Flash version 11 installed on my computer so I don't think this is the problem. However, I do notice that the publish option opens in a window that seems to be another program or wizard that is used to publish from Captivate into Adobe Connect; this may be where my problem resides. I had a co-worker on Windows XP try and everything still works fine. It is only with Windows 7 that this problem occurs.
Any help or direction with this issue would be great.
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Captivate's publish dialog uses IE, so make sure you have FP 9+ for IE, which is different than the Fire Fox and Chrome FP plugin.
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Hi Jorma,
Thank you so much for the reply! I looked and the version of Flash with IE is 11.2. I even updated my version to IE 9 and still no luck. Appreciate the help though!
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Odd, I just verified that I could publish from CP4 to Connect. Windows 7, Connect 8.2.1, Captivate 4.0.1 Build 1658.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling Captivate? Maybe it didn't hook into the right version of Flash...