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I'm getting really frustrated by having to all the time accept the license agreement when I open any of the Adobe CC products. Is anyone else having these issues?
OK. I think I found it.
1. Start the Creative Cloud app with Adminstrative privileges. Right click on its' icon and choose "Run as Administator..."
2. Sign in
It should work now even on a reboot. Your apps should no longer ask you to accept the license and sign in.
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Of course we absolutely should not need to have 100% internet uptime for these things to stay active, but thats not what seems to be happening. We dont inow how we could possib'y use it in remote doco work.... not possible.
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I understand the concept of running as Administrator, but that doesn't seem to always work. I have a call in to Adobe Tech Support to see what they come up with next. If I find anything useful, I will post it ... if not, then I guess we're all going to remain very frustrated and upset.
No one responded to my secondary question about whether or not when you "activate" the license agreement you get dinged for having activated CC on another computer. Since we only get 2 activations, this always concerns me ... especially when you can't tell whether or not you are still logged into the CC.
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logged out of Creative Cloud using that icon, then right clicked "Run as Admin". I haven't had any issues since.
Unfortunately, I have continued to have issues on two machines.
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No , from my end its ground hog day....
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Wow. Looks like some very unhappy CC users here. Imagine that, Jimbo.
Yeah, especially since Creative Cloud was worked perfectly for the first year I was signed up.
Just had to accept for Acrobat again.
We'll see if the CC update does the trick.
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I did the CC update yesterday - and have been through 2 rounds of accepts already... Yes I was the same - it worked ok for the first year with the ecception of a payment that lapsed when I was traveling overseas and it took 5 days to get it back online after I rectified the payment. IE it lapsed - we payed straight away within a few hours, and 5 dyas later tech support got it running.... otherwise it was fine back then,
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Just to report back on the issues I have been having with these popup Trials and License Agreements. It's been a whole day and I just updated the Creative Cloud app. So far, my Photoshop CC continues to work. I don't plan on getting too awful excited until several days have passed.
Glad to hear from some people that the Run As Admin worked for them. Hope it continues to hold.
As for the rest of us, I'm seriously hoping Adobe addresses this problem soon ... one can only hope that this latest update of the CC App may help resolve some of the issues. We'll see ....
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I updated the CC app and am still having problems with Acrobat - it keeps on poping up asking if I want to continue with the trial - even though I'm actually logged into CC and the app shows everything as it should.
It doesn't stop me working - just a right PITA!
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Happened again, this time with Audition. And this is after the recent CC app update.
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I almost breathed a sigh of relief, that is until this evening. It seems CC logged me out in the middle of a working session and popped up the "Trial" window again. I did not accept it and closed Photoshop and then logged in to the Creative Cloud through the CC App. Then, of course, the "Accept License Agreement" poppped up again and after acceptance for the 90 millionth time, Photoshop was up and running.
I agree with several writers here that it does seem to be affecting Windows 64 Bit software and that Mac users don't seem to have this issue. I'm not sure what to do about it ... I agree with everyone that it is getting extremely frustrating to have to log in and accept agreements every day or so. I think it was Mike who mentioned that it seemed to log him out when he used an external hard drive. I noticed that tonight I had my external drive connected and as soon as I disconnected it, that's when the sign-in process started again. I find it hard to believe that would cause the problem, but at this point it's almost impossible to figure out what is causing it.
I'm planning on posting each time I encounter a problem since I agree with Jim Simon, that maybe an Adobe Tech or some Adobe Engineer might actually read these posts and try to do something to fix this annoying problem. Let's see what happens next.
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Had to accept again, this time for After Effects.
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I noticed it is kind of random.
I have all applications set to run as administrator on Windows 7, but now and then PS:CC or AE:CC will ask me for licensing. I've spent a lot of my company time trying to resolve this little annoyance, now I will just have to ignore it. It is a feature of the CC bundle lol.
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I'm using Windows 7 x64 Pro, and I get logged out randomly on my primary machine but my secondary machine stays logged in (so far).
This morning I tried to start Audition and got a sign-in prompt. I looked and ACC had dropped my login, so I closed the prompt to log in and logged in through ACC. I then tried to start Audition and still got the sign-in prompt even though I had ACC open and showing me logged in. I signed in yet again and needless to say, it treated me like a new user and I had to acceept the license agreement and was then told to go to the Adobe website to complete my registration, which of course I can't since I already have. I just looked, and ACC has dropped my sign-in yet again.
This destroys my ability to use CC applications without an internet connection. Once I sign in properly, I'm supposed to be authorized for 90 days if I recall correctly, but I'm actually not even authorized for 15 minutes. This is upsetting to say the least.
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Yeah, super frustrated here as well. I have been experiencing this from day one. I have contacted support, they walked me through deleting files/renaming folders, sign in, sign out, reboot, etc with NO resolution. Meanwhile, I've read a few blogs, there is a pirated version floating around that bypassess the whole login process and was out about a week after the release of CC. So we, the paying customers suffer this huge annoyance, while the piraters have no such issues... great pirate-proof technolgy Adobe!!
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Agree ... this is extremely frustrating and I, too, have been experiencing this from the moment I signed up for CC. I have ongoing Support Issues logged with Adobe as well and like you, Mike, I have had NO RESOLUTION aside from having to sign in and accept license agreements whenever CC acts up. I understand there may be an issue with Windows triggering Adobe's activation technology. Have any of you heard anything about this or any way to resolve it?
Wow, it's hard to believe there's a pirated version of CC that bypasses the login process and solves this problem ... all I can say is I hope Adobe comes up with a solution soon for its paying customers ... otherwise, I may have to consider dropping my subscription and finding something that comes close to accomplishing the tasks I need it to do.
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Happened again. This time with Muse. Somehow I got signed out, despite the computer being on 24/7 and the CC app running as Admin.
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Seems to happen around Noon and continues on until I leave work lol.
You'll also have to login constantly if you're like me and close programs alot.
I work with a lot of different applications and constantly close one adobe app to load another. Mainly After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator and Lightroom. AE loves ram, so I continue close when I finish a portion.
Each time I close I either A) Have to signing B) Accept License Agreement.
So I forgot to mention the new sit and wait I've been privliaged to experience.
IF I close After Effects:CC, then go back I will be asked to Sign in. I sign in and then have to accept the License... Well for some NEW reason, it takes over 5+mins for the License to accept!!!!
This is what I get to see for 5+ min while I waste my company time: Spinning Accept button.
Message was edited by: TDRonline
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I'm still having problems too, but I guess I should feel lucky that it only happens every other day.
I asked on another Adobe Forum about these types of issues to see what I could find out. I was lucky to get a response from an Adobe staff who indicated that Adobe is, indeed, aware of the issue and is continuing to investigate the difficulty we are all having. Apparently some of our suspicions may have been correct in that it seems to be an issue with Windows. I'm including an Adobe link to which I was referred that helps to explain what to do. How long it will take to fix the problem is another matter entirely.
I hope you're all able to get this link to read but, in essence, it seems we just need to keep signing in and accepting the License Agreement as needed until they resolve it. I'll look forward to hearing what anyone thinks after they've read the article; especially if there are any new thoughts on what else we might try in the meantime.
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Had to accept again, this time with SpeedGrade, even though I was already signed in.
This is ridiculous.
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Up til now, this has been a bit of a pain but just came across an instance where it really messes things up - I was just queueing up some exports to media encoder from Premiere. The sign in form poped up and I signed in again but media encoder was in a bit of a state - it just wouldn't start until I closed all the CC apps down and restarted them and re-added the export. That was a right PITA!
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Happened again!!!
Creative Cloud has logged me out, has actually been working fine for a few days, but I did two things today that I haven't done recently:
1) Plugged in an external hard disk
2) Installed a couple of updated plugins to Illustrator.
Now I reckon (for me at least) it is one of the above the causes the logout - I believe it's the hard disk (as I reported in an earlier post) as this has happened to me before.
Again asking to accept the licence agreement for each launched program and then asks to complete registration - I am so sick of this!
Once again, why can't an Adobe rep come on here an give some hope, mind you, I doubt it because we poor suckers mean nothing to Adobe.
n.b. While I have been typing this, I've been logged out again
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Well, I guess all we can do is keep documenting the problems.
Today, I plugged in a flash drive to check out some images that were on it. As soon as the first image opened, up popped an offer for a Trial of Photoshop CC. I declined, as usual, then went to look at the CC App on the desktop ... amazingly I was shown as being logged in. I opened an image from Bridge and that's when I was again asked to sign in and accept the license agreement. I agree that this incident may have something to do with attaching an external drive of any kind ... can't imagine why that would be the case.
I had just installed an update for Photoshop CC yesterday (bug fixes) ... it really is getting to be a joke. But, I assume all we can do at this stage is keep signing in and accepting licenses. I am not even going to attempt to put this ridiculous program on my laptop until Adobe gets this mess straightened out (if ever).
Anyone up for writing to Bryan Lamkin, Sr. VP, Technology & Corporate Development at Adobe Corporate Headquarters in San Jose, CA? I'm getting awfully close ....
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I had to sign in again after rebooting. This may be by design, but it is not acceptable. For the first year of my Creative Cloud subscription, I did not have to sign in manually with every reboot. I want to sign in once and stay that way until I manually sign out, no matter how often or for how long I shut down the computer in between.
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Agreed, at its current state, in addition to being exremely annoying and killing your design/development momentum, you would always have to have an active internet connection. Which is fine most of the time, but when I need to meet with a client outside the office in a place without a 'secure' internet connection, I cannot do realtime edits with my client because I will get the 'no active internet connection' prompt. This anti-pirating 'tool' is working great.... against your own paying customers!!
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Had to accept again, this time for Illustrator.